Gas Station (Fluff)

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(Season 1)
(Before Arisu and Usagi get there)
3rd Person POV

"Okay guys, there will be pairs going out to get more stuff for us! Like food, water and medicine."
Hatter explains as he stands ok the balcony in the main lobby with the militants. He starts listing pairs and the last one is, "Niragi and Chishiya!" He leaves as people start to pair with their assigned partner.

Chishiya sighs, of all people it has to be Niragi. 'Kuina is lucky, she got her girlfriend Ann.' He thinks as Niragi comes into his line of sight, walking towards him.

"Shall we go, stupid?" Niragi says, sticking his tongue out at him, like per usual. Chishiya just walks off, heading into the city's direction.

Niragi scoffs, muttering a few insults towards the other male. Before following after him. He eventually catches up to the other male and Chishiya just looks around for a second, before stopping in his tracks. Spotting something, or a building.

He starts walking towards it, not caring if Niragi follows or not. "A gas station, really Chishiya?" He scoffs at the male, 'This is the place we go to first?!' He thinks to himself. Chishiya takes his backpack off, and grabbing some stuff.

Niragi looks and sees its some food. 'Surprised there is still food here..' Niragi thinks as he walks over to other shelves, looking for anything useful. He finds some water bottles and quickly puts them in his own backpack.

Niragi goes back to where Chishkya was originally before he walked off. He comes back to see Chishiya still there and with his bag full. Still carrying some stuff in his arms.

"Can you help me, please??" He asks Niragi. Niragi opens his backpack, letting Chishiya put all the stuff inside. "Thanks, Niragi." The male says as he closes the others backpack.

He just hums before he hears gun shots. His eyes snap to the windows. He sees people fighting. Chishiya just sighs, as he starts to go to the door. Niragi stops him, pulling him back. He pins hum against the wall.

Their bodies close, chest to chest. "We can't go out there, not yet at least. We have to wait until one kills the other or they take it somewhere else." He explains quickly.

Chishiya goes to respond but Niragi hears it go all quiet and people coming closer. He grabs Chishiya and drags him into the back, where there is a hole going into the wall. He drags him out through the hole and outside.

He starts sprinting, still dragging Chishiya until they make it into a different building. Niragi catches his breath from running for a while. Chishiya slides down, tired and sore.

"Listen I am sor-.." Niragi tried to apologize for the running but they hear people yelling. Niragi comes close to Chishiya. Holding onto him, so that nobody can see them, if they even glance at the building they would think it is just a pile of garbage. Chishiya is breathing heavy, Niragi does the only thing he can think of, he kisses him.

As soon as they don't hear yelling anymore they break apart and immediately leave, going back to the beach with all their stuff.

I know it kinda won't make sense why they hid so close together but it was because the building's walls were made out of all glass. So I hope that clears up confusion if there is any! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! Stay safe and hydrated!! Please give me requests for more chapter ideas! Kinda running out already!! Byee!!

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