You're Here Again...?! (Angst/Fluff)

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Chishiya's POV
It's been a while, since him. I'm not over it but I am. It's confusing on how I feel, I understand that. It feels as if he's nothing but a mere ghost, lingering around me faintly wherever I go that reminds me of us.

I have no idea what I am doing anymore. I do the same routine everyday. Wake up, get ready, eat, stay inside, eat, sleep. I feel like a robot, the robot being controlled by settings and people while I was controlled by my mind, but it wasn't me.

I felt like a cat, lying around all day, not doing much. But cats didn't have to make plots of decisions or have to talk to people and have to deal with all of the bad things when laying around. They didn't have to think about much at all really.

I was quite jealous of them, how they get to lay there and not have a care in the world. While I lay there and have so much emotions and thoughts running through my blood.

It wasn't fair if I'm being honest. I wanted to get rid of all of it for a few moments, I couldn't even sleep peacefully if I'm being honest. All my dreams were about him.

Him and his idiotic self. His stupid smile and body. I could feel my face get flushed at the thought of his body, leaning against mine sometimes.

I sighed at the mere thought of him. I'm so sick and tired of it all. Of sitting here and feeling as if I were a prisoner being kept away from the thing they desire most.

I'll just go for a swim. It'll help clear my thoughts and usually I like to just soak in the feeling do the cold water touching my skin. It felt refreshing to feel.

I quickly got ready and I made sure to close my door quietly. I did not need the house maid to get all angry and upset with me at this time of night. She was slightly irritating sometimes in my opinion.

She was always nosy with whatever I was doing and who I was going out with. I took my bike and started riding out to my favorite spot. I had shown it to him, before he had left. Now all I have is memories.

It took me about 30 minutes to get there. It was a long bike ride but I quite liked how long it took to get there. It let me soak in the peacefulness of life. I could hear the birds chirping throughout the bike ride. It made me smile knowing at least the birds were happy.

I finally had reached my destination and it was beautiful at this time. It looked amazing and not real if I were to be honest. With the trees surrounding it and some birds sitting in said trees. I quickly got into the water, not caring how cold it was.

I always felt colder now. It started when he left, it was probably because he was always there to hold me when it was cold or when I was exhausted. I miss him, I'll never forget him and always remember the memories we shared together.

I don't know how long I've been in here, with my thoughts just splashing the water around with my hand slowly. It has been a while though, I could tell. The water has gotten a bit colder though. I was used to it by now.

I heard a splash right next to me. I jumped from the surprising noise. I hadn't expected anyone to be here.I would have noticed them too, or heard them at best. I was shocked when I turned to who it was.

It was him. He was here...

Why is he here?! I don't understand at all

"You're Here Again..?!" I asked, he smiled at me with his white pearl teeth and hugged me, as he connected his lips with mine.

SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG GUYS!! I've been busy with school and am struggling a lot!!! I love you guys be safe and hydrated!!

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