Frenemies? (Fluff)

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This is if Niragi was in the solitary confinement game as Chishiya and that Chishiya never like burned him and made him fall off the building :)

(Season 2)

(Kinda OOC Chishiya and Niragi)


3rd Person POV


  'Great a new game.' Chishiya thinks as he puts on the collar thing. He quickly walks in and glances around, spotting a familiar figure. He quickly tries to move around people, trying to make all the attention go onto other people or the announcer. Luckily the male figure doesn't notice him. He lets out a sigh of relief. Not wanting to deal with him right now. A male comes up to him.

Before the male can say anything to him the announcer starts talking, explaining the rules and the game. After the announcer is done, Chishiya looks around, looking at everybody. He laughs to himself. 'All their faces are priceless.' He chuckles in his head at them. The guy from earlier asks him something, but he doesn't quite catch.

"Can you repeat that?" He asks. "Yea, I asked if you wanted to tell me mine and I could tell you your symbol?" Chishiya think's for a few seconds before nodding, agreeing and walking off. The male smiled and followed after him. Both not knowing a specific male was looking at them both.

"I'm Ippei Oki." The male said as he caught up with Chishiya. "Chishiya." He said not really caring about it, as they could have seen the names on the screen. Chisihya hears footsteps approaching, he turns around.

"Chishiya, long time no see, yea?" The familiar figure from earlier. "Hey, Niragi.." Chishiya responded back. He really was surprised to see him alive still, but he shouldn't have expected anything less from him.

"Mind if I join you guys? Everybody else here are more annoying than you." He asks, but Chishiya could tell he wasn't giving him a choice. He sighs and just nods, tired from all of this. Niragi glances a confused look at him. But it quickly vanishes. Ippei went to get a snack and drink for himself. So they were alone now, just the two of them.

"You good, Chishiya?" Niragi finally asks. Chishiya just nods, thinking about his life before this all happened. Niragi doesn't believe him, he doesn't say anything about it though. Chishiya slides down the wall, plopping down on the floor. Niragi's eyes follow his body as he slides down the wall. He then follows after him, sliding down the wall also.

Chishiya leans onto Niragi's shoulder. Niragi's eyes widen as he feels the male's head make contact with his shoulder. He gasps. Chishiya quickly realizes and gets off before looking at him. "Are you hurt there?" He asks and Niragi sighs, nodding. "Can I take a look..?" Chishiya asks. In response, Niragi unbuttons some of it so he can see his shoulder. "Wait a second, I will be right back. Chishiya knows that every 'prison' place has first aid kits. So he goes looking for one, finding one almost immediately.

He runs back and starts treating the burn that Niragi got from the beach when it went up in flames. When he finishes he buttons up Niragi's shirt again and puts the first aid kit to the side. "Thanks, Chishiya. It means a lot to me." He thanks him and asks a question, "Are you a doctor or something..?" Chishiya turns away before responding, "Med student." Niragi hums at that. He stands up and goes to the other side of Chishiya. He signals for him to lean onto him again. Chishiya smiles and does so. They sit there, waiting for the last 10 minutes until they can tell each other their symbols and go into the cells. Ippei comes at the last 5 minutes, ruining their moment. They move away from each other and tell each other their symbols. And the three survive the first round..



Honestly this took almost an hour to make because I didn't know how to write this at first. Hope you guys enjoy this though! Stay safe and hydrated!! <3

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