Thunderstorm (Fluff)

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(Season 1)
(Before Hatter Dies)
(Before Arisu and Usagi are there)
(OOC Chishiya & Niragi)
3rd Person POV

*Boom* *Boom* *Crackle* *Boom*
'Thunderstorm..' Niragi thought as he was just finishing a game. 'Hope Chishiya is okay, I know he doesn't like the loud noises. I have to hurry up with this stupid game..' Niragi thought.

'Okay, done with that game. Time to head back.' Niragi quickly got into the car with the other guys and drove to the beach. He ran to Hatter and gave him the cards everybody got from each game. "We have all of these except this one so good job guys!" Hatter said taking all the cards. Everybody split up after that, some going to rest, eat, get checked out from their injuries. Niragi had a small cut on his arm. He would go grt checked out from the beach doctor but he has his own doctor. He smiled at the thought of him.

Niragi quickly snapped out of his thoughts and went to fine Kuina. He find her sitting down in the lobby. He walked up to her, making sure nobody saw him. "Kuina, where is he..?" He whispers to her, not wanting to draw attention to them.

"He's in your room still. He never came out this morning." She said sounding kind of worried. Chishiya seemed really clever and unbothered but there was always a part of him that was depressed and wanted to die but of course it never happened. So when he got like this Kuina got worried. He sighed at that and just nodded and walked to his room. As soon as he was in the hallway to his room, he started sprinting. He quickly unlocked the door, running in and closing the door, locking it.

"Chishiya, are you okay..?" Niragi asks as he turns the corner to where the bed is located. He sees his blankets covering somebody. He takes the blanket off and a head peeks through. "Are you okay?" He asks again. Chishiya nods and puts the blanket over him again.


Thunderstorm was still going. Chishiya curled into the blanket more. Niragi knew Chishiya just hated the loud noises and stuff because it hurt his ears, especially when he was overstimulated.

"Can you patch me up quickly? I got a cut in my arm from the gam I played. After we can snuggle and watch something..?" He asks Chishiya, not expecting him to agree.

Chishiya nods, surprising Niragi. He gets out if bed and goes to grab the med kit, located in the bathroom. He comes back to Niragi shirtless, with shorts on. He blushes but quickly tried to hide it and extends his hand out, waiting for Niragi to place his arm on. As soon as he does, Chishiya gets to work patching him up successfully. He smiles to himself when he looks at it. Content with how it looks and how secure it is.

He gets up and puts the med kit back in the bathroom. He comes back to Niragi already in the bed, with Chishiya's favorite fluffy blanket. He smiles and gets into the bed. Niragi pulls him closer towards his body. Chishiya lays his head on Niragi's chest.

I know that Chishiya would never act like that but everybody can get overstimulated and I have a lot so I decided to just project all of it onto him :) So yea! He had somebody there for him like I did when it happened with me a lot. Hope you guys enjoy remember to stay safe and hydrated!! <3 Also like half of my chapter disappeared so I had to rewrite it because I saved it and then I couldn't get it back after coming back to it. <3

Niragi X Chishiya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now