"Kiss Me!" (Smut)

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(After Season 2)


3rd Person POV

"You hate me! Why can't you be intimate with me?!" A deep voice yells, echoing in the room. "Chishiya! Calm the fuck down! For fuck's sake I love you, I really do but, not everybody wants to see our tongues down eachothers throats!" Another deep voice yells back.

There was a big sigh before Chishiya spoke up, "You know that is not what I meant! I just want us to hold hands in public and at least kiss a bit!" They both don't say anything. Until Chishiya decides to speak again, "If you're so cool and fucking love me then go ahead, kiss me. Right here, right now." He smirks at the others shocked expression.

"Really?! Fuck you." He mumbles in response, but he quickly smirks as he leans closer to the blonde. He connects their lips as he wraps his arms around his waist, Chishiya wrapping his arms around the male's neck. Bringing them closer.

"Can we, do it?" Chishiya whispers as they pull apart, breathlessly. "Yes, fuck yes." He responds. "Carry me, Niragi." He whispers again in his ear. Niragi gulps, before wrapping an arm under his legs and picking him up, bridal style.

He carries him to their bedroom gently putting him on the bed. He starts taking his own clothes off, Chishiya taking his off too. Niragi grabs the lube from the bedside drawer. "Are you ready, you look so amazing. So pretty, all for me." Niragi whispers into his ear as he puts a finger into him.

Chishiya moans, not expecting him to prep him so soon. Niragi puts two more fingers in. Thrusting them in and out quickly. Chishiya moans as Niragi hits a sensitive spot. Niragi hits that spot for a while before he can't wait anymore.

Niragi quickly puts it in and waits for Chishiya to tell him he's ready. After a few moments he nods towards him, ready. Niragi quickly thrusts in and out fast and hard. Chishiya moans loudly as he was expecting it to be slower. Niragi wraps his hand around his member, Chishiya moans, "I-Im C-" Before he can finish his sentence, he cums, Niragi following after him. They both lay there, they turn their heads towards each other, Niragi leaning in and kissing him quickly.



I am so sorry to who requested this! For it took really long for me to do this. I was having trouble, writing it. But please do request more guys!! Stay healthy and safe! Also, sorry it is short! This was done in 10 minutes! <3

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