Lovers To Enemies (Angst)

411 11 12

(Very OC)

(After AIB)


3rd Person POV

There was laughter, coming from a bedroom in an apartment building. It was two voices, bouncing off the walls together. "Niragi!! Stop!! I can't breathe!" A voice laughed, breathlessly from the bedroom.

"Never!! Not until you admit to eating the last cookie in the cookie jar, Chishiya!!" Said person named Niragi responded with.

"NIRAGI PLEASE STOP TICKLING ME!! I can't take it!" The male named Chishiya said, laughing non-stop.

"Fine, fine." Niragi finally stopped tickling him, reluctantly, he made a small pouting sound as he started to make a pout face. Chishiya just laughed harder at the face, making Niragi pout harder.


"I hate your fucking guts. I wish I never met you!" Niragi screamed at his former lover.

"You do not get to scream at me! I did everything for you. I helped you get through your insecurities, your anxiety, depression, everything.." Chishiya screamed back at him, frustrated that he thinks of him like that.

"Well obviously not because this happened! You fucking asshole!" Niragi shouted, not having any of this bullshit right now.

"You did this to yourself. Don't expect me to be so happy that you slept with someone because I was out for two days." Chishiya mumbled. Tired, exhausted from having to shout, and shout.

"Well then, we should not see eachother anymore if you can not handle me wanting you to be here more and my clinginess!" Niragi was still screaming. Chishiya sighed, tired from this all.

"Fine. Then I guess this is the end of us, Niragi. Have a great fucking life with your little whatever the fuck you call 'em!" Chishiya shouted, one last time. Before, walking out the door, slamming it and leaving everything behind.

There lies Niragi, sobbing and shaking. Finally realizing what he just did, everything dawning on him as he slips into sleep, crying.



Sorry, this took so long guys! I have been having a rough time, but I hope this makes up for it. It is very short, and I apologize for all of that in advance, but I do indeed hope you guys like this! First angst of the collection! Hope you guys enjoy! And stay safe <3.

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