Don't Fucking Talk to Me (Angst)

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Chishiya's POV
Why is he calling me? Whenever I pick up the phone that has been rung over 10 times it's always him. Why?

It doesn't make sense. I felt like a five year old trying to figure out algebra, none of it making sense at all.

Every-time he called he would only be able to get a quick greeting or my name out, before I hung up and realized it was him.

I know, I can't avoid him forever but I can try. Like I was avoiding the plague, and he was the plague right now.

He left me, left me to rot in this little place, by myself. It felt like all those parents leaving their children behind, for good. Promising to come back, but alas, they never did.

They lied to their children, he lied to me. Saying he 'loved me'. If anything he hated me, like he was the Angel and I was the demon. Or he was the hero, and I had been the villain.

It will never make sense why he keeps trying to talk to me. My parents keep telling me to answer, as they too are sick of the phone ringing every day.

It was fine at first, quickly escalating to annoying. They wouldn't stop talking about him, Niragi this, Niragi that.

I've grown annoyed towards them too. It felt like they favored him more than me. He was only here six weeks. Yet it felt like my parents liked him more than me.

It made me feel a pit slowly growing in my stomach, the feeling of it eating me whole. Like an earthquake swallowing some of earth down, breaking it apart like he broke my heart.

I hate him, his stupid handsome self, his stupid perfect body, his pretty eyes, his skin, I hate his skin, the way it was as soft as a baby.

I knew I didn't truly hate him, how could anyone? He was perfect, he was everything you could dream of having. He was ripped away from me, as if I were a baby holding onto a blanket and my parents snatching it out of my hands.

The phone, started ringing. I didn't care, I barely even acknowledged it at this point. It felt useless for him to even try to talk to me still. I didn't move an inch. My parents weren't home yet. So they wouldn't care.

I sat in front of the fire place again, it was nice and warm. It made me think of him more, of his body when he encased you in a hug, the warmth taking over your body. It felt like a big giant warm teddy bear.

It never will make sense, I feel. Why he's calling, he has a pretty women at home, a pretty flower one might call her, and I'm a broken boy, or a broken stem. I like to call myself.

The stem is broken because someone broke it, my heart is broken because someone broke it. People barely bat an eye, towards the flower. And people barely even look my way.

It pained me, knowing people didn't care that much about me. I tried to seem okay however. It didn't work out that well.

I never truly cared about something or someone as much as I cared about him. But it would never happen. Like those myths were Cupid could never fall in love, only make people love each other. And if he had, it would be broken apart.

That's what had happened to me. I loved him, we had sex, cuddled, kissed, held hands, make outs. But then it got broken apart, leaving me the broken one.

He'll never truly understand. How much he hurt me, how it affected me, why it affected me, if I was still affected now. I didn't care though.

He would never know, he was happy with his fiancé, he's probably calling to tell us he's getting married or he already had. Something along those lines, I didn't have it in me to care as much as I did about him.

I truly am a broken record, I could barely get any words out, being all over the place, words jumbled up. Everything not making sense to anyone, no one but me. Everyone being confused as to what it's saying, trying to make out the words, eventually giving up on it and just shutting it off.

It hurt. Knowing no one will ever understand. But I understood that. I kept it all in my thoughts, sometimes when I slept, if I had slept I dreamed about me and him. Us going on dates freely, us making out, kissing, having sex, cuddling. My parents officially letting him stay with us.

But when I woke up, all those happy thoughts, the smiles, the faces. Faded, turning into these smoky figures, who came closer and closer until they would eat you alive.

The feeling sucked, I knew how it felt too much to not understand how much it sucked. I always walked out with a smile though. Even if I didn't even want to be alive at that very moment.

All of my friends who I don't truly even see as my friends still came around. Some asked about Niragi, I flat out ignored them however, everyone saw the pain in my eyes when he was brought up.

I'm glad they saw it, they should learn to not be so nosey, up in everyone's business these days. It was irritating and frustrating how they thought everything was their business.

If you had told them something, trusting them. They would run off to tell everyone in the whole god damn town. Until it wrapped back to you, then you would know how it feels, for everyone to be so annoying.

I stayed in my room most of the time, I occasionally went out to get books, or going to my secret spot.

The spot I showed Niragi, the spot afterwards we walked out over to a patch of grass and finally kissed. Right then and there, his soft lips, pressed on to mine. It felt so nice then, the touch still lingering on my lips.

I felt something tickle my chin, I went to wipe it away, till I realized it was my own tears. I didn't even bother to wipe them away, it was no use. They would have ended up flowing down my face like a river stream. 

I could feel my parents behind me, they didn't say anything that I was aware of though. I kept staring at the fireplace, not once even twitching.

I felt numb inside, it felt as if someone had decided to stick a needle inside me that numbed you for who knows how long.

If I did move, I wouldn't have realized though, the numb feeling was washing over me too much, I just sat there, tears streaming down my face, the numbing feeling physically and mentally taking over my body.

I felt like I was being overdramatic. No one would tell me even if it was true. They would barely see me, so I guess my parents didn't want me to storm up to his old room again.

I liked calling it his room still, like a piece of him was still here. Lingering, for him to come back and collect it. Part of me hoped he didn't come back, I don't think I would be able to even know he was here.

I slowly stood up, smiling. I hadn't even realized I had a smile on my face. I wondered when it appeared on my face and why. It was stupid of me to smile, as if I didn't have tears rolling down my face.

I sighed, the numbness was still there, it was faint now though. I didn't even turn to look back at my parents. As I walked to the telephone.

I dialed the number, it had rung for a while, before finally I heard the voice, the soft voice, it was his voice. The voice I had loved so dearly yet despised at the same time.

I quickly cut him off though, he didn't deserve a chance to speak, he didn't even deserve to talk to me, didn't deserve to think of me or hell, even still know of my existence.

"Don't fucking talk to me."

It's all I had said, I didn't give him a chance to reply, though I heard the sputter of him trying to get words out for a mere second. Before I put the phone back down. I had a bigger smile on my face now.

I had heard my parents gasping, before calling my name. They wanted me to come back down. I didn't listen. I kept walking to my room, I'd ignore everyone for now until they realize I didn't do anything wrong. And how broken and sad I was because of a mere man.

I know you guys might not like the angst but I just kept my bsf who chose to be friends with a bully lmaoo! Yay!!! Anyways there will be more angst so hope you guys enjoy this 1000+ one of pure angst!! Stay safe and hydrated!! I love you all <3.

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