Fight (Angst/Fluff)

334 13 27

(AIB never happened)
(Very very OOC Niragi & Chishiya)

3rd Person POV

"So stupid. So fucking, dumb.." A masculine voice mumbled. A figure was pacing back and forth, after getting into a fight with somebody.

"Chishiya!! Are you okay?! We saw what happened.." A deep voice called out, said figure barely heard them.

Whipping his head around, too fast as she got dizzy a bit. He started swaying a bit.

"Hey! Hey! Be careful, you need to be careful. Are you okay?" The figure was closer now. He finally registered the arm wrapped around his waist, supporting him upwards.

"Yea, yea. I am... Alright.." He muttered, exhaustion washing over his body, limbs finally relaxing.

He completely leaned against the figure, trusting them enough to take care of him.

"What do we do guys? He is in no state to go out there. But Mira is practically demanding him to come back out. If he doesn't she will storm in here herself and drag him out." The figure he was leaning against rambled on until a hand was put in the air, indicating him to stop.

"We can just take him home, secretly." Another voice pitched in. There was three men besides Chishiya They all nodded, agreeing.

A grunt came from Chishiya, she quickly stood up straight. The figure next to him immediately holding him.

"I'm going out there. Do not stop me unless you want me to be even more exhausted." He said, through his teeth.

The other three not liking the idea, quickly tried to grab him. Not successful, he runs out before they can process what just happened.

"Here I am, Mira! You wanted me to come out?! Here I am. Chishiya bloody fucking Shuntaro!" He shouted, quickly masking his exhaustion and pain.

All the people out there, watching the fight, recording on their phones, gasped. Some cheered, booed, screamed.

Chishiya grinned, knowing he could easily get hurt badly, but he wasn't going down without a fight.

"I see your little boy toy isn't behind you, scared, wanting his boyfriend to protect his weak ass." Mira spat out, laughing at the end as some of the crowd started cheering at her.

Chishiya just frowned, upset that somebody would say that about his boyfriend. "You know, Mira, you have some balls saying that as if you don't just hide behind your little daddy and his legacy half the time. I think, that those balls of yours, aren't real. No, not at all." Chishiya responded.

A tiny chuckle at the end of his statement. As people gasped, afterwards some cheered some booed again. He rolled his eyes, turning his head slowly towards Mira's direction, then he met her gaze. He quickly grinned again, trying to get into her head.

"I- You! Ugh!" Mira could barely say a few words before she started freaking out, thinking her reputation was ruined. Not being able to face the crowd, embarrassed she ran out of there.

"Going to hide behind daddy... again? Yikes.." Chishiya yelled as she grinned at Mira's retreating figure.

Before the crowd could ask anything more of him, he quickly left the same way he came out. He saw the three figures, staring at one of their phones.

As they heard his footsteps, they immediately looked up at him. He was gonna laugh at their funny, shocked faces. But before he could, he felt a pain in his side, groaning in pain, grabbing his side quickly.

The three men quickly jumped up into action, one getting ready to carry him.

"Niragi, you do not have to carry me, you know? I am... Fine." He whispered trying to sound alright enough for them to not be so worried.

It didn't work because, Niragi immediately put one arm behind his back, the other going under his legs.

He gently lifted him up. The other two pulling the car towards them, one getting out swiftly, opening the back door for Niragi to slide him and Chishiya in.

Niragi accidentally dug the seatbelt into Chishiya's side. He gasped, then whimpered out. 

"Hey, hey. Baby, you will be fine, don't worry. I am here, okay? It is fine. We will get you to the house and then get you into the warm, bubbly bath. You did so good out there, thank you for defending me especially. Did an amazing job, baby. Now just rest." Niragi whispered into his ear. Rubbing his hand up and down his thigh gently, trying to calm him down a bit.

Chishiya nodded, mumbling an okay. He closed his eyes, exhaustion finally taking over him as he fell limp. Only thing letting Niragi know he was okay was, the slow rise of his chest.

As soon as they got to the house, one of the other males opened the door, helping Niragi get Chishiya inside safely.

"Can you guys go get the bath set up, please? I don't want him to wake up and be alone if he does indeed wake up." Niragi explains, the other two nod.

"Make sure there is bubbles in it, the bubbles calm him down, make him smile." He says, not looking at them anymore instead smiling down at him, brushing his shoulder length, blonde-ish hair out of his face.

They leave after nodding. Niragi just continues to think about what he said, before they came over.

'Why would he say that? What was stupid and dumb?' As he kept wondering, running his hands in his hair, he felt him stir.

He quickly snapped back to reality, as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty. The bath should be ready." He whispers to him, getting up and moving towards the bathroom.

He murmurs an affirming noise. Niragi sets him on top of the counter, stripping him of his clothes.

He groans at the contact of cool air and his bare skin. He quickly kissed his forehead. Picking him up again, gently setting him into the bathtub.

He knew how exhausted he was. He decided to wash his hair for him.

He gets his hair wet, before grabbing the shampoo and putting it into his hair, rubbing it around in his hair.

He rinses it off after 30 seconds or so. He grabs the towel as he helps him stand up, draining the bathtub.

He gets him dressed and Carries him back into their shared bedroom. He lays him down as he goes to get changed.

He changes quickly, running back to bed and gently getting in as to not hurt Chishiya anymore. He immediately snuggles into him on his not hurt side. He carefully wraps an arm around him. As they both fall asleep together, content.

Hi!! I just made this it is over 1000 words long beside the A/N so hope you guys enjoy it!! It is about two other characters I write about though so please point out errors, I do not take offense at all!! Be safe and hydrated and healthy!!! <3.

Niragi X Chishiya One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now