Thoughts (Angst/Fluff)

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(I wasn't gonna write in this anymore)
(Last chapter)
(No more requests)
(Art (me) is done with this book)
(He/They pronouns 4 Chishiya)
(Pre season 2)
Third Person POV

Chishiya hated himself, it was like everyone else had too. No one likes him, he felt like Kuina their best friend didn't even like them. She might be pitying him for being a heartless human being. She might just not want him to kill everyone like everyone thought he would do.

They were just an anxious person who didn't know how to really start conversations is all. Tears were flowing down his flushed face like a river. He was sitting, arms wrapped around his body on the edge of the roof. Chishiya knew what he wanted to do. For the benefit of everyone else so they weren't afraid of him or nobody hated him, not even himself.

Sobs starting to come out of his mouth as he curled into himself more. They didn't like this feeling, the feeling of drowning and no one caring, no one batting an eye towards him or his cries for help as they get muffled by the water.

Everything, ever noise, feeling, thought were muffled to him, he couldn't hear anything. Barely himself at this point. He couldn't hear the roof door open, he couldn't hear the muffled call outs of their name, couldn't hear the footsteps from someone as they came closer.


Everything seemed to stop, the muffle, the sobs, the tears, the feeling of numbness. The only thing they felt was the feeling of someone hugging them as he buried his face in the figures chest.

"Are you okay..? Would you like to sit here for a bit or..?"

"Can...Can we go to your room? Please, Niragi.."

Niragi sighed in relief at the other being able to recognize and talk back to him. He was worried about his boyfriend. He saw him walk out after the beach party and hadn't seen him since. He walked around the whole place for them and hadn't found them for a bit.

The man was relieved that he found them finally and could be there for the other. He didn't know what he would do if the other did something or somebody hurt his boyfriend, they were everything to him.

Niragi held their hand and walked with them downstairs and into his room. Their relationship wasn't obvious because Chishiya didn't really feel that great about himself, Niragi understood because he had those thoughts once and those feelings. But he couldn't quite care right now, he wanted his boyfriend to be okay and the other didn't seem to mind if people saw them currently.

They finally made it to his room and he set him on the bed. Kissing his knuckles before assuring them he would be right back. The other nodded as his eyes lingered on the spot the other was before he walked away a few moments ago.

It didn't take long for him to come back as he walked in with a set of clothes. It was his favorite clothes that Niragi gifted them. Their boyfriend helped them get undressed and changed really quickly. Kissing the scars on his body, making a small smile form on his face.

Chishiya was changed and he crawled into the bed as Niragi left once more, promising he would be back and to stay there. It felt like an eternity to him as he waited and waited. Finally after it feeling like centuries, the door creaked open.

Niragi came into his view a few moments later, Chishiya realized he had his favorite snacks and drinks in his hand. The other was surprised because it was hard to find food here, let alone his favorite food. Niragi noticed him staring and smiled warmly, something they only got to see, no one else.

Chishiya was happy that he got to see the other smile, he didn't think before they were close that the other could smile. It made him frown, he thought just like what people thought of him. They didn't enjoy that, he didn't want to think like those people.

Their boyfriend noticed their frown and he quickly put the snacks on the bed and crawled towards him. "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking, don't worry. Can we just cuddle and eat these..?"

Niragi nodded and he quickly got the both of them under the covers as he brought the food into both of their laps. He set the drinks on the nightstands and quickly picked one snack out for them to share together.

He wrapped his arm around their waist, pulling them closer towards him as he snuggled into his side. The two ate and made some jokes, but mostly silent most of the time as they basked into the peaceful silence of the night.

It made Chishiya feel content with how he felt earlier. They felt more relaxed and didn't have that much bad thoughts with the presence of his boyfriend holding them and enjoying his company.

THIS IS IT!! No moree requests pleasee! THANK YOU I LOVE YOU GUYS THOUGH!! Im just not that interested in AIB anymore. Sorry guys enjoy this though!!

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