Christmas (Fluff)

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I know Christmas was a while ago but I needed a chapter idea and my friend wanted this one!! So she also gave me a scenery but you guys are getting two chapters today so im using that scenery for the other one! Also I will start making angst and smut soon I just want a lot of fluff for newer people!! <3
(Season 1)
(Before Arisu and Usagi get like kidnapped from Hatter and stuff yk)
(OOC Chishiya and Niragi)

3rd Person POV

*Knock Knock*

Two knocks could be heard from Chishiya's door. "Come in!!" Chishiya shouts, knowing who it is and resuming what he was doing originally.

"Hey Chishiya!!" His best friend, Kuina says as she turns the corner, a big smile on her face. A small smile creeps onto his face as he can tell Kuina is genuinely happy.

"Hey. I'm just making a present for Niragi." He responds as he is about finished with what he is doing. She hums as an 'okay' and just looks around, looking for something specific.

Chishiya laughs out loud at her, "Your present is not in her, Kuina. I gave it to your girlfriend so don't even try to find it. You can wait a couple more hours." He keeps laughing at her, seeing her face after he says that. "Hmph." Kuina responds with, pouting a little.

"Anddddd... Done!" Chishiya smiles at the present he made for his boyfriend. Kuina looks over his shoulder, walking closer. She looks at the present, it's a matching taser like the one he has and he has a little gun figurine, like the gun Niragi carries around 24/7.

Kuina smiled at that, "That's really cute, Chishiya! Now I wonder what you made me!!" Kuina does her signature wink, as she giggles.

Chishiya just chuckles at that, not being able to control his emotions now. "We have 20 minutes! You ready to leave now?" She asks. "Yes let me just, put this in a tiny paper bag I painted." He responds, nodding as he says that.

He nods as he's finally ready to leave.  Kuina grins walking out behind him. They go to the meeting room, where the whole little group event is taking place.

As soon as they walk in, all eyes on them. The last ones to join the group. Chishiya glances at Kuina, nodding. She smiles and walks over to Ann, her girlfriend. Chishiya walks over to his boyfriend, Niragi.

"So nice of you guys to join us, finally" Hatter says, smiling. He claps his hands before speaking again, "Okay so we will go around, and when we get to you, you will give your present/presents to whoever you got them for!" He explains and everybody just nods, smiling forgetting about all the death and killing.

After a while it finally came around to Chishiya. He grabs the paper bag, giving it to Niragi. And grabbing the other paper bag, giving that to Kuina. And last a paper bag for Ann. She looks shocked as she didn't expect a gift from him.

"WHOA!! Chishiya, did you make both of these?!" Niragi asks, actually surprised and impressed for once. Chishiya chuckles before nodding. Niragi kisses the side of his head. The male blushes from that looking away. "Thank you Chishiya." His boyfriend thanks him.

"Wow! Omg Chishiya!! You got me a sword!!" Kuina looks amazed. Everybody looks st Hatter, not knowing Chishiya talked with him beforehand. Hatter just nods, dismissing everybody's looks.

  "Yea... I made it from hand so it was quite hard to do." He says, chuckling. Everybody stares at him in shock, even Hatter. "Chishiya really is something else, guy!" Hatter says, everybody chuckles, laughs.

Ann opens her present last, shocked. "Wow, Chishiya I don't have these. It will help me look into people's brains more." She says as she takes out all the surgical tools.

"Yea, I got them from the hospital I used to work at." Chishiya replies. Some people looked shocked, not knowing he was a doctor/med student.

"Okay then! Next is, Niragi!" Hatter says, after a few moments of pure silence. Niragi takes out 2 bags. Handing one to Chishiya, and Aguni.

Aguni seems surprised but doesn't say anything. He just nods, opening his present. He takes it out and it's a rifle with lots of ammo, a gun they didn't have on the beach. Everybody once again, looks at Hatter for his approval. He nods again. "Thank you a lot, Niragi. I appreciate it." Aguni thanks him in a deep voice. Niragi just nods.

Everybody turns to Chishiya, waiting for him to open it. He takes it out and is shocked, it is a cat. With food and water. "I got litter and a litter box and stuff. Surprised a cat survived this long. I gave it a bath already. Checked for flees and everything." Niragi grins at the cat. Chishiya just stares at the cat.

"What are you gonna name it, Chishiya?" Kuina asks him. He blinks and thinks for a few seconds.  "Hayato." He responds, looking at the cat, deep in thought.

"May I ask, why that name?" Hatter asks. Chishiya nods, before responding. "It was a little kid patient I had. He was the priority on the transplant list. But then my boss came up to me and said he was moved down because the person who helps keep the hospital alive. His grandkid needed it more. And I had to tell his mother after, letting him die.." He sighs after getting a little upset. He gets up and walks out, with the gift he got.

He gets to Niragi's room. Opening it and seeing the litter box all ready. He put food and water into two separate bowls. He then lets the cat go, letting it wander the room. He lays on the bed, curled up. He feels a dip in the bed. He sees the cat come up to him. Curling up against his stomach.

He falls asleep against Chishiya. Content with the warmth radiating off of the male. He hears the door click open and shut quietly. He sighs as he knows its his boyfriend.

"Chishiya..? Are you okay?" He asks him coming up in the other side of the bed. Chishiya sighs and shakes his head. "Do you wanna talk about it? Or cuddle?" He asks the male lying down. Chishiya puts two fingers up. Niragi moves the cat over, Hayato adjusts to the end of the bed, by a blanket. Hayato quickly curls up by himself, falling asleep quite fast. Chishiya leans into Niragi. His head laying on his chest. Niragi's arms around his waist. They fall asleep there. Content and comfortable, as it starts snowing outside.

Okay I know this is jot really that realistic but I tried! Be ready for the next chapter maybe tonight? It is already 11:05 PM. But I can try? If not then it will be out tomorrow! Hope you guys enjoyed! Longest chapter in so long over 1,000 words!! Stay safe and hydrated!! <333

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