Blood (Fluff)

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(Wrestler AU)
It makes it easier for me to make an AU at this point.

3rd Person POV

Niragi walked out of the stadium, walking backstage towards his locker room. He had put his black jacket back on.

The clothing piece brushing against his bruises and wounds. He winced every time as he walked. He didn't seek medical attention because he knew he could walk it off, he thought. But he thought wrong, as he hissed in pain as he kept walking.

Niragi was proud of himself, he fought Aguni, the team leader of the trio, 'Militant'. And he won, he was upset he didn't have his own team by his side, but he knows they had their own things going on, not wanting to disturb them.

Niragi's thoughts getting the best of him, as they raced through his mind. Niragi didn't realize he had ran into a person before there were arms wrapped around him.

They were on his bruises and wounds. He whimpered and hissed in pain, flailing his arms around, trying to strike the people around him.

As Niragi finally tried to regain control of his breathing. He closed his eyes, breathing in slowly, exhaling breathlessly.

As he re-opened his eyes, he saw three people. It was his team, he was so relieved, he wanted to melt into the touch. Niragi sighed, his shoulders went limp as he leaned into the person behind him, it was his boyfriend, Chishiya Shuntaro.

"Hey, hey. You're bleeding! Are you okay, Niragi. Come on, answer me." Chishiya noticed, worried.

He swatted him away, he stood up. With the help of all three boys. They all guided him to his locker room.

"I...I'm fine. I just need to get myself cleaned up and bandaged and I want sleep.." Niragi responded once they put him on the couch.

They all nodded, Arisu mumbling orders to the two of them. Chishiya stayed by his side, rubbing his arm gently as he tried to not touch his wounds or bruises.

Tatta came back with bandages and pain killers. He set them on the coffee table. Arisu came back moments after, with a water bottle and a snack for Niragi.

"Niragi, we need to treat your wounds. Can you sit up for us, please? Afterwards you can have something to drink and eat and then get changed and sleep." Arisu murmured to him.

He nodded, pushing himself up with his arms. Niragi fell back down with a 'plop', Chishiya helped Niragi sit up this time, carefully and gently.

He helped Niragi take off his black jacket. He signaled for Tatta and Arisu to hand him the bandages. He put them in his pocket.

He picked Niragi up, carrying him to his locker room bathroom. He set Niragi on the counter, before turning the shower on.

"What temperature do you want, Niragi?"

"Warm, I want warm."

Chishiya turned the shower handle until it was more towards the hot side.

There was a knock on the door. Chishiya opened it a bit, looking outside. It was Tatta, with a set of clothes for Niragi. He nodded a thanks as he took them, closing the door.

He walked back over to his boyfriend, setting the clothes down. He felt the water, deeming it warm enough for him. He took his clothes off, gently as to not make him feel any more pain than he has.

He picks Niragi back up and sets him down in the bathtub. He lets him choose his shampoo and body wash. As he washes his hair,  he massages his scalp.

  Niragi relaxes into the touch, his body relaxing even more. He frowns when the touch disappears.

Once he's done, he drains the bathtub, grabbing a towel of his and drying him off. He lays it on the floor as he makes Niragi stand up, leaning against the counter.

He bandages his wounds, kissing his bruises. Niragi smiles at the feeling he gets from the kisses.

He starts dressing Niragi once he's done. He gives him a quick peck on the lips as he picks him back up. He opens the door with his shoulder.

He sets Niragi back down on the couch. Arisu and Tatta walk back into their view, Arisu carrying his favorite blanket.

"I dried it for you, so it's really warm. And we got you, your favorite drink and snack." Tatta explained as Arisu handed it to Niragi.

His heart warmed, Niragi smiled a bit. He quickly patted the couch for them all. Arisu sitting right next to him as Chishiya sat on his other side and Tatta sitting next to Arisu.

He leaned back into the couch cushions as they ate the snacks and the drinks. They showed him memes that people made and all the positive posts of him. When there was a negative one, they didn't even blink, pretending not to see it. It made Niragi feel so loved and welcomed.


Hi guys!!! So I originally made this about a wrestler and her like lore based boyfriend becasue I personally love them so much. But decided it would be cool for a wrestler AU and I didn't wanna be weird and make every fic just Chishiya being hurt so I decided this one is Niragi centric even if he's a bad guy in the show and manga :/ Hope you guys enjoy it though. You will get more wrestler AU since I wrote like five other things on the two. And they are much longer than this don't worry. Be safe and stay hydrated <3.

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