The Tent (Fluff)

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(Kinda end of season 1 a little)

(Kinda OOC Niragi & Chishiya)


3rd Person POV

'Hmmm..? What was that noise?' The male wondered, as he was walking away from the burning building. 'I must be hallucinating...' He thinks as he hears more noises from behind him. He starts second guessing himself as the noises become clearer.

He turns around abruptly, taser in his right hand. As the figure was trying to hide behind a tree. His dark brown eyes widening as he recognized the figure that was following him. The figure just sighed, groaning in pain.

"N-Niragi..?!" The male was shocked, the male figure was still alive?! "The one and only!" Niragi responds with a smirk. He started to get closer to the other male. "Listen, I know we have had our differences in the past. But, I wanna team up with you, and I know you're a med student. I still have my gun too, if you haven't noticed so we would be a good team." Niragi explains, making it seem like the male has no option but to accept.

"Fine." He replies blankly. "Good. Let's go, Chishiya." He starts walking away in the direction Chishiya was going. He follows behind him shortly after. It's getting late, so we should start setting up a tent for the night." Chishiya suggests, looking over at Niragi.

"Yea, sounds good." He replies with. They start setting up the tent. When they finish, Niragi sighs. He starts to lay down but realizes he's still in pain. He gasps when he feels a sharp pain in his side. "I can patch you, check you to see if you're fine..?" Chishiya suggests as he holds a med kit up.

Niragi just nods, as he grits his teeth. Chishiya quickly starts checking him and bandaging him up. Once he is done he puts everything back in the med kit. "Thanks, Chishiya, it means a lot." The injured male whispers, but Chishiya could still hear him say it. He hums as a way of telling Niragi he heard him loud and clear.

"We have to sleep in the same tent by the way, forgot to mention that." Chishiya says after a few moments of silence. Niragi sighs but nods shortly after. "We should get rest, wake up early tomorrow morning." Niragi suggests, tired. The other male nods as he gets out a blanket.

"We also have to share this.." He says after Niragi looks at him in disbelief. "Whatever." He murmurs, not wanting to deal with any of that shit right now. Chishiya covers them both with the blanket as he turns on his side, facing away from Niragi.

After a few minutes, Niragi can hear him snoring lightly. Niragi starts tossing and turning, not being able to fall asleep. He turns so he's facing Chishiya's back. He wraps an arm around the male's waist, bringing him closer. He scoots closer towards the figure. He then at that moment, drifts off to sleep.

In the morning, Chishiya wakes up first. 'Warm.' Is his first thought before he turns his head slightly to see Niragi cuddled up against him. He feels his face heat up as he turns back around so he's facing away from him again.

At that moment Niragi starts shifting. He wakes up after a few moments, sitting up slowly. Moving his arm from Chishiya to his lap, as he sits up fully. He turns to see Chishiya's face, seeing the man awake. His face starts getting warmer at the thought of Chishiya seeing him cuddled up against him.

"Morning, Niragi. So I was thinking," Chishiya starts out but gets cut off, a pair of lips meeting his lips. His dark brown eyes widen for a moment, quickly he closes his eyes, kissing back. The kiss deepens as Chishiya starts moving on top of the other male, on to his lap. They start making out until they both pull away for oxygen.

They're breathing heavily for a few moments as they stare into each other's eyes deeply. "Will you be my boyfriend, Chishiya..?" Niragi asks, not wanting to hold back anymore. Chishiya nods, going back down for another make out session.



HI GUYS! I am so sorry to the person who requested this! Because of how it took so long. I have stuff happening, so it has been stressful, but I don't want to have excuses so here you go! I tried to do this as fast as I could, so I am sorry if it is short or rushed! But thank you all for supporting my book! And comment requests! Stay safe and hydrated!! <3

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