I Scared Them?

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With a hiss, I woke feeling the strange scent of a female enter my nares. Toothless stirred beside me, shooting up at the sound of a warning.

"what is it?" he asks, green eyes wide and frantic. I roll my eyes gently but gesture with my winged talon that he should keep shut. He nods and lowers to the ground while I make my way toward where I see Hiccup and the strange Scaleless female. Seeing her shoving him made anger flare up in the depths of my stomach, and I let out a thunderous roar and jumped into the air latching my claws onto the athletic girl and pushing her down.

"Smaug, no!" Hiccup yells as he runs to me while I snarl at the blondie's face. "but she was attacking you!" I hiss back. Hiccup grabs my arm, trying to drag me off the girl. "get off, please; she isn't dangerous," he says, still training. I stop growling, looking at him with wide eyes. he steps up, popping, and stares into my eyes until Toothless snarls making us both snap out of it.

"yeah, you're still holding her," he sneers to me, and I look down at the girl whose eyes are wide and scared. I sigh and step off her lighty, my long tail coming to a curling coil over Toothless' sturdier form.

He stiffens but doesn't say anything as Hiccup helps the girl and introduces us. "Astrid, Toothless and Smaug, Smaug and Toothless, Astrid," he says, pointing at each of us in turn. I snort a plume of smoke, narrowing my eyes at the girl — Toothless snarls.

"Who are they?" the girl asks, and I roll my eyes. I can't talk with them in the human tongue, not now, at least. I need to learn it.

But I can still understand them like any dragon can understand each other. "shall we let her live or kill her when Hiccup isn't looking?" I whisper to Toothless, my head bowed to whisper in his ear.

He startles back and huffs "let her be of closure!" he whispers, sending me a glare. I gasped slowly, easing my grip on his frame and turning back. "well, tell me when she's gone. I'm not going to be near that flesh bag" I walk over to the pond, grab fish, and eat them, ignoring the stinging sensation of Toothless' eyes at my back.

He can stare as much as he wants; I don't care.


Still annoyed by the unwanted visit, I wake up to see Hiccup and Toothless gone. With a groan, I stand up and begin to sniff out them. I find their scent mingled with the girl's, and a deep annoyed growl leaves my maw before I take to the sky, following the smell.

It leads away from Berk, away from the Cove and over the trees, and out to the open ocean. The farther out you get, the more you begin to hear a hum in the back of your mind. It makes you hiss and closes your eyes to block it out. But it doesn't work. The voice is titled and resounding, with a definite female clang.

Come to me, and I will give you sanctuary. The one you've been looking for so long. no more annoying humans. Come to me, serve me, the voice made a headache form, and you hissed back a warning, I will never follow a dragon. Then you cut the link allowing no more interruption. The scent of Toothless and his two riders got stronger, and you picked up the pace of your wings sipping across the sky like a red-golden lightning bolt.

Then I see a volcanic caldera glowing with rivulets of lava. My eyes go wide. Is this...? I don't finish my thought as I weave between towering, craggy sea stacks. Soon enough, I am funneling through a crack and zipping through a winding tunnel. It gives way to an avast, steamy inner chamber, tiered with pocky shelves.

The scent of Toothless relaxes me, but when I notice how many scaleds there are here, I feel exposed. I feel all their eyes on me as I fly in, clearly being 'late.' but I waste no time on apologies and head straight for Toothless, being met with a wide green-eyed stare. "what are you doing here?!" he hisses fear clinging to this tone.

I give him a hiss and lower my head to seem more minor, tucking my wings tightly against my sides. "I could ask you the same Toothless. What is this place?" but before the Night Wing can answer, the dragons fall silent, and I look up to see a lone Lava Spitter. he hovers over the pit and regurgitates his paltry contribution -- a pathetic little fish. As it falls into the steamy pit, a terrible roar rings out. My ears ring, and I watch with wide eyes as the poor Gronckle tries to flee, but before it can, a gargantuan dragon head juts from the steamy pit and snaps it out of the air. Swallowing it back whole.

Me and Toothless recoil holding back yeølps of fear and disqueszt. I hear Hiccup and Astrid questioning what that beast is, but I already know the answer. It is the Hive Queen. The Red Death. I've heard of her before. Someone who doesn't give her fish enough or food never comes out alive.

"We need to leave now," I whisper to Toothless, who nods. Still, before we can move, the giant beast sniffs the air as if she's aware of our presence and grumbles, "there you are" her three eyes meet mine, and I freeze. "finally, after all these years of waiting, the mighty Queen of the Mountian comes down to mingle with the commoners. How is it to see how a dragon system works, your highness?" she taunts, and I feel my heartstrings vibrate with teh powerful beats my heart makes.

Toothless seems to notice my growing anger. "hey, Smaug snap out of it. She is trying to stir you up!" he hisses, but I don't answer, my eyes never looking away from the 'queen.' I don't answer her, and she continues to taunt me testing my lines.

"oh? have you finally swallowed your tongue? Has the time with the Night Wing humbled you, Gold Hoarder? Or have you grown dull and slow in your old age?" that wer the drop. I let out a roar, straining myself, and despite Toothless' prorestes, pounced on the dragoness.

A blood-curling screech left her lips, and soon all she could see was red.

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