Heather Report [Pt 2]

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She did turn on us.

Just like I predicted. But all I could do now was right up the wrongs she had done. That was to keep her on the island, never allowing passage over. a betrayal like this would be paid with a heavier price had it been at home.

We dragons never accept betrayal between our ranks. You are either executed or banished for good if we find you out. But this measly human way is pathetic. What will she learn from it? Nothing. she will just brood even more and plan her escape.

Heather is a cunning girl. She knows her way. And that is what frightens me. If she tries to hurt us even more, I might not spare her life again. I did, thanks to the sympathetic faces of those two legs. I would've killed her hadn't it been for Toothless pleas when we got home.

I was about to rip her apart, but he stood before me, protecting the raven-haired girl. I had almost let loose a torrent of fire hadn't it been for the love and fear I saw in the Night Fury's eyes. he loved me, but his nerves were sparked with veins of anxiety for me. My warth. My anger. My fire.

He was scared.

But I would not fuel his fears. I would tame them and make sure they never would rise again. I might have been heartless when I was younger when I lived in Erebor and killed every soul that tared to thread inside my domain, but now I have a heart that I want to protect and give. I give my heart to Toothless. But not yet.

I'm growing at the girl standing at the open door, my head low to the ground. Stormfly has a steady grip on my tail with her teeth to keep me from lashing out when I hear her speak.

"There were never any pirates. I made it all up. But I had to. I needed you to trust me." she said. Anger flared in me. And I hissed out, "Well, guess what? We don't. Not anymore. You used it up, girl. I would have given you a far worse price to pay. be happy that these riders convinced me to let you breathe a few hours more." I snarled, backed out of the dungeon, and flew off with Stormfly and Astrid, my mind cloudy with anger.

I took a deep breath and severed off from the girl and her dragon, despite the calling of the Deadly Nadder in my ears. I needed time for myself. I needed to take a breath. And where is a better place than the Beach?


Here I lay at the crystalline Beach feeling the sun's rays carry my scales.

A promise of comfort long lost to the dust of the fire, I pewed to the broken heart I bore. I knew she couldn't fix my problems. She wasn't a god. Nor was she a live thing. She was a star. Nothing more, nothing less. The sudden sound of dragon wings made me open my eyes and turn my somber gaze to the sky to see a familiar red shape.


I lifted my head at his presence and stood as he came closer. His golden eyes were fixed on me, but he wore an unreadable expression. When he was close enough, I tilted my head. We just stared into the depths of our eyes at each other.

Then he broke the gaze and wrapped his wings around me, burying his snout in my warm glittering chest. I puffed out a breath of surprise at the sudden touch but curled my neck around his frame, finding comfort in his embrace.

After a few seconds, feeling like minutes, we stood there drinking all the comfort we could find. When we parted, I saw his golden eyes of his were wet. Pristine tears pooled there, and I felt my heart tighten. "what is wrong, Hookfang?" I asked, my voice soft.

The red dragon sighed, then moved his gaze to the sand beneath our talons. "I do not know, Smaug. I feel like I'm breaking apart inside. Heather wasn't a favorite two-leg no, of course. But there was something about her betrayal that made me... think. What would happen if you ever do the same?" he breathed. His words cut through my heart.

I knew it. They didn't trust me. They didn't trust their queen. Am I even fit their queen? My tail flew behind me, and I stepped away from Hookfang, who looked up at me. "it hurts me, Hookfang, that you would ever think that. But you're right. Who knows what I may do? I'm not from here. But this is still my home. I will die for Berk; I hope you know that. I will die for you, for Stormfly, for Belch and Barf, for Meatlug, and yes, for Toothless. You guys are what gave me a heart again. You guys are the ones that light up my world, and I would never want to lose that. But who knows what the future holds?"

The depth of my words and Hookfang taking a deep traction breath before he once more sought the comfort of my body. I let him place my jaw where his neck met his back and shoulders. I did not say any more words. They weren't needed. All we needed were comfort in this thought time. But we would get over it.

We are dragons. We always get over it. And we rise like the phoenix from the ashes. You push us down we rise again.

I soon move away and smile at the red-black dragon. "let us get that book back," I say, and Hookfang smiles, his mission completed.

There were real feelings in his words, but he wanted me to come and stop moping around. There was time for that.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let us return to the others," he said, and we were in the air with two full flaps, me following after him like a beast from the olden days.

Mu's heart was lapped up again. The scar had grown deep, but it was healing. I was healing. I have friends. I had a kingdom. I had all I wanted. Dear reader, I ask you to remember this. Remember the day your friends and world show you it is not curable.

The world is there; your heart will lead you the right way.

Since I showed up on Berk, I've learned to expect the unexpected. But every once in a while, something or someone surprises us. And when that happens, you kind of hate to see them go.

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