We Are Family Part [Pt.1]

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It is said that Vikings have a strong sense of community. So it's necessary to be a part of a family and celebrate that connection.

It is so for dragons, too, but I do not remember when I was in a family, not before now. My friends are by my side, and we will always be. Right now, I'm with the teens in the Cove, which holds so many memories; two dragons saw each other, the area where souls mended.

Hiccup is doing his Night Wing cry, and it sounds genuine, to be honest. So I blog about it as I grin, watching them having fun and talking. "That's why you brought us out here? To honk into the wind?" I heard Snoitlout grumble, and I hissed with a roll of my eyes. "Just wait, Snotlout." he gave me a withering glare, but I've seen worse in my life.

When dragons give glares, it's scary because you never know if they will strike; humans do not have a chance against me. I yawn, flicking my tail around myself as my ear horns twitch to catch the sound of the running of talons. Toothless is close, and soon enough, he answers Hiccup's call with his own. I grin down at him.

He first walks to his rider, then to me, giving me an affoaciuonate lick over the snout. I return it. We curl up beside each other, waiting for the teens to be done with their calls.

Astrid calls her dragon, Fishlegs his, and so forth. It is an all-good time. But one thing is not so good. Toothless, nor I have anyone to fly with. We are loners.

and it hurt even worse when I heard Snotlout point this out "So when we do this cool dragon air show, who are they gonna fly with?" Hiccup glances at us; I meet his eyes. "I'm working on that." I grin at him, leaning over and giving him a nudge "it is alright Hiccup." I tell him before standing up. The time to return home is here.


We are watching the other dragons fly with each other.

It is heavy, those claws in my chest, knowing that I will be forever alone. I have Toothless, but he isn't the same kind as me. We will... *sigh* it never really works. We might be in love, or I might love him now, but what about a few years in the future? Will he still love me? I've heard of dragons finding their soulmates in other types, but has that worked out for me? No, it hasn't.

I even remember I tried to find a mate in my teacher Glaedr, but that just went South. He just told me that he only saw me as his pupil, nothing more. I left the Learning Hall minutes after in tears and a torn heart. After that, I've never really mended, but I think Toothless will be the reason I heal. he has already done so much for me and made me blush several times.

I hope my love for him might not be one-sided and that it might be ruetnbred one day.

The familiar shrill roar of Stormfly pulls me out of my thoughts, and I glance behind me as the blue and yellow dragoness touch down her rider, jumping off her back and going to Hiccup. "There you are. Hey, check out my Nadders! I finally got them flying in perfect formation." the girl grins to her friend, who nods, glancing at them absently before glancing over at us.

Astrid notices this and raises a brow. "Hiccup?" she asks, and the boy sighed before leaning on my head that I've placed beside him " I've just been thinking, Stormfly has other Nadders. Hookfang has a whole herd of Monstrous Nightmares. And Toothless has... Toothless has no one. nor do Smaug" he pats my chin. I rumble quietly, not wanting to say any words right now.

My actions may be comforting enough. I glance at the Night Wing to see him look a bit sad, but then he glances around at me and comes to me, rubbing his chin against mine and purring. "He has you. And he looks pretty happy if you ask me." the blonde girl chuckles, gesturing at the way he walls me in.

I let him do what he wants. Not that they could hurt me anyhow. And, after all, I like the feeling of his scales on mine. I purr, too, closing my eyes. Hiccup sighs. "You know what I mean." Astrid sighs too before going over to Stormfly and muting her, "Hiccup, Toothless will be fine. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Your father and Gobber are looking for you. They want to see you in the great hall. They looked serious."

I open my eyes at the sound of wingbeats fading away and the words of Hiccup as he comes over to us. He grins sadly at you before tapping Toothless' shoulder to make him come. He does as his rider wants, purring lightly before they fly off, leaving me to rest. I would've followed them, but I didn't. I need time to think.

Soon enough, I fall into a slumber.


sorry but it will contoue I prmose i am just in another place now. 

- Z

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