Alvin and the Outcasts

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An old Viking said to HIccup learned: "When your friends are roasting on the spit, you're the one who feels the fire." Mildew has made the entire village believe that dragons are too wild and that we all can't live together in peace. He's wrong, and I know HIccup is going to prove it.

Me and Toothless are trying to keep the other dragons from tearing each other to bits.

"yeah! Calm down!" I raor using the power I have so gracefully invested in me to calm them down.

Meanwhile, Berk is trying his best to get his friends to help him search for the things Mildew used to trick the others. "Arrrrrrgggh! We've been here for hours, and we haven't found anything!" Snoutlot complains. Hiccup sighs. "We've been here for ten minutes! And you've done nothing than build that!"

That makes the burly boys smirk. "That is Snotlout Manor. And all I need now is a queen." he turns to Astrid, but she blows him off.

Suddenly Tuff starts to stomp all over Snotlout's sand, driftwood, and stone castle.

"What-What are you doing?!" he exclaims, and Tuff shrugs ": Storming the castle." Hiccup then speaks up, tired of always having to shepherd his friends. "Come on, guys! I'm telling you, Mildew framed our dragons! I saw dragon feet in Mildew's House, and I watched him throw them into the ocean."

" I don't mean to be Norbert the Negative, but the ocean is vast. And our chances at finding those dragon feet are as good as Snotlout and Astrid--" Fishlegs says but gets cut off by Astrid, who turns to Hiccup. "Look, Fishlegs is right. Even if Mildew did throw them in the ocean, they're not just going to wash up on shore here."

" I found it!" Snoutlout suddenly eyes and Hiccup smiles, walking over but deflates soon as he doesn't see the dragon feet and staff in his hands. But instead, it was a tiny little wooden bludgeon, clearly not what they were looking for.

"I haven't seen this since I was a baby," he says and hits himself on the helmet several times. Hiccup tells the others to continue looking. "Just keep looking..."

On the island in Gobber's Black Smith stall, the blonde blacksmith is hammering away at a sword. "One down, 345 to go," he says. Stoick sighs beside him. "Can't you do that any faster? Until you restock our weapons, we're completely defenseless."

Gobber hums, " Maybe you should have thought about that before sending the dragons away." that makes the chefh roll his eyes.

" You know I had no choice. They destroyed the Armory,"  he says. Gobber shrugs. "This would be a bad time to get attacked."

And so on until he says sharply, " Especially by Alvin. The Treacherous. Our oldest and most-feared enemy. Who'd kill us all to take Berk for his own." Stoick snarls and snaps," I got it, Gobber! Alvin the Treacherous..."

In another part of the arpeggio, a crowd of resident dragons is fought away by the Teachers as his crowd.

" Alvin, they're coming back!" an Outcast yells, and the man launches a boulder into the sky and knocks down a Monstrous Nightmare.

" Alvin, there are too many of them! We need to get inside!" a man called Savage yells to his chief, and the burly man growls, the fire reflecting in his eyes.

He then turns, and his men retreat into their cave-like home just as several dragons blast fire where they are just standing. "Oh, I've had it with these dragons! Is the ship ready?" he hisses, walking up to a round meeting table with other soldiers and looking at a map. Savage answers him, "We still have a little more work to do."

"That's not my problem. We sail for Berk immediately. We'll land here, under cover of night." Alvin says, pointing at the spot where berk is spotted on the map.

" Why aren't we taking the whole army?" Savage asks.

"We're not there to fight Stoick. We're there for one man: The Dragon Conqueror and his Wyren," Alvin says, smirking.

"Oh, and you'll have him. We hear he's ten feet tall with the strength of a dozen men. The dragon is bigger than any of the Berk's. she is the queen there, I've heard." savage says, smirking and wringing his hands. "Well, they shouldn't be too hard to find then, should they?" Alvin chukles.

Just wait and see Alvin. Capturing dragons is more complicated than it seems.


In berk, Hiccup is talking to his father. "I'm telling you! I saw a pair of Zippleback feet in Mildew's house. He must have used them to make the footprints of the dragon who supposedly stole the boots." he says.

Stoick raised an eyebrow. "Well, let's go look at them." his son says, scratching his head. "Yeah. Uh, there's going to be a problem with that. I also saw him throw them into the ocean..." that makes his father sigh and pat his son's shoulder. "I know you're upset about the dragons, son, but you're gonna need evidence to accuse a man of high treason."

He and Gobber leave, leaving HIccup alone in his house, devastated.

Later in the evening, Astrid and Hiccup walk along a cliff, talking together. "Astrid, we'll prove Mildew did it. We have to if we ever want to see our dragons again." Hiccyo says, and Astrid says.

": I just hope they're okay." she then spots a ship by a sea stack and tilts her head. " Why would one of our ships be anchoring there?" she asks, and HIccup takes out a Spyglass seeing an unfamiliar Shield on the boat. " It's not one of our ships. I must tell Dad. Come on!" The two run off to find the boy's father.

Down at the beach  Alvin and his crew row to Berk's shore in the cover of the night.

"Ah, it's good to be back on the shores of Berk." the alien says, taking a deep breath. ": Good for you. Not so good for them." Savage says with a dark laugh. Alvin smile and orders his men to find the  Dragon Conqueror and the Queen of Dragons. Should it be easy enough, right?

No, it is up to you, dear reader, to imagine how things went. Here's what I learned today:

It's funny how an attack by your greatest enemy can change things overnight. Hiccup set out to prove that we dragons would never hurt them... what we proved is that we will always protect them.

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