Is There Anything Wrong?

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Stormfly and I blasted through the air like two spears. One big and one quick and slender.

It was always like this. I would heat them — er her in races, but we would always be friends afterward. She teased me often about Toothless and how she could practically smell the love I had for him. It made me angry.

Well, the taunting did not love Toothless, of course. But, I mean, who couldn't? He's just a big goofy hall.

"Hah! You've grown slow, Smaug!" Stormfly irked, and I let out a fit of roaring anger seeping into it. It was never a good sign when I got angry, but Stormfly knew I wouldn't run mad at her. She was my second best freind after all.

And I had trained up a good amount of self-control over the years as I didn't want to risk snapping at my freind and inflicting deadly wounds.

Soon enough, though, I cut in front of the blue and yellow dragon twirling in the air with a happy croon, "it seems you're the slow one here, Stormfly!" I called, my voice filled with joy as I followed the scent of the Night Wing.

It wasn't hard to find it, not after I'd been with him for five years. His scent is embedded in my mind. And I know it'll never let go. He's practically rubbed himself in my face at night. No, not like that. I don't even know what he wants.

Usually, females try to drive the males mad, not vice versus, but I get it. However, I'm a little out of pear ice with the romance.

But, hey, cut me some slack! I've been sleeping for 60 years!

I huffed as I thought about it and flatted out, calming my wings so Stormfly could catch up with me.

Don't get me wrong; I loved racing with her, but sometimes, especially if we're looking after Tootbless, we must focus. He's a night wing, a dragon known for its sheath.

"His scent is stronger higher in the air. I don't think he's on any of these stacks," Stormfly voices, and I agreed, so we rose higher, climbing the air. From here, we could spot that fake lovable ball, Walt.

I just hoped he and Hiccuk hadn't gotten themselves into any problems again.


Soon enough, we found them on a sea stack, Hiccup having his map up as usual and drawing on it. I was the first to land and graced the earth with a graceful yet earth-rattling grounding before lifting my head like Sawan. 

Stormfly grumbled and glared at me when she landed just a few minutes after. "You cheated," she growled, and I puffed out smoke giving her big innocent golden eyes "what makes you say that?" I taunted. But she didn't answer well, more like she didnt get to before Toothless ran head first into my crest, making me yelp and back away, tail flailing behind me to alter my balcony. 

"Tooth!" I yelped, claw flying out to steady him as he wobbled on his talons. he gave me a sheepily gummy smile and flicked his tail. "be more careful, Tooth," I said, crooning and lowering my head to give him a nuzzle. He immediately returned the favor. All the while, Astrid walked over to Hiccup, her boyfriend, and Stormfly rolled her eyes at the affection we two showed. 

I snorted when I saw it giving her a soft nudge with my shoulder and arching my neck to a swan pose again. "aww, jealous Storm?" I chuckled, and the blue dragoness hissed at me but didn't answer my taunts. Toothless chuckled, too, and flicked his tail over his paws, sitting down and giving me a fond look I missed. 

"common Storm, you know I love you," I cooed, giving her a nuzzle too, only to get whacked in the head with her wing, which made me sneeze. "yah keep to yourself and those nuzzles to your mate!" Stormfly sneered, giving me a soft glare before going over to a branch that seemed to catch her attention. 

Toothless turned his attention to me, and I smiled at him, laying down and crossing my talons like a cat. It made me seem like a royal dragon, and I loved it. "so, how is your day so far?" Toothless asked, laying beside me under my wing. "well, good as it can be, I guess. I won a race again," I said, puffing my chest proudly. 

Toothless snorted. "I bet the others loved that. How even can you maneuver so fast? you're bigger than any of us!" I growled warily, and Toothless whimpered "uh.. I didn't mean it in a bad way," he stuttered, and I huffed, smoke rising. "I know, Tooth. You wouldn't hurt me on purpose. But be careful. Even if I'm harsh and heartless, sometimes I have a heart," I said and laid my head, curling my neck in an arch and turning away from the Night Wing, which made him frown. 

"Smaug...?" he asked, and I hummed, letting him know that I heard "not to be rude but is there something wrong? you've been so distant these last few weeks. I'm beginning to worry," he said, and I could hear the worry in his voice. I took a deep breath, those thoughts about him and me never being able to go together flying through. 

I pushed them down and closed my eyes, saying, "no, everything's fine. I'm going to take a nap to wake me when anything is happening," I said and soon fell asleep. 

Toothless sighed and cuddled against me, my wing unconsciously wrapping over his frame. Stormfly, who had taken the branch and shuffled back, stopped at the sight of me and her other best friend curled up together. It made her heart soft, and she smiled, letting the branch go, and walked over to her rider and her boyfriend, curling up around them instead to shield them from teh wind. 

Soon we dragons slept. 

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