Animal House

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A Deadly Nadder and a Monstrous Nightmare play in the air above Berk. You see, here on Berk, we've made peace with the humans. We're finally living and working together...and it only took us three hundred years. But there's one slight problem... the humans forgot to tell the animals. 

The dragon pair land on Mulch's farm and wrestle, scaring all the animals. Finally, its owner shoes the dragons away " Oh, not again. You go on now... you get, get, shoo! So now you know you're not supposed to be in here."

Soon enough, I come over, giving out a roar, and the dragons fly away, leaving the two humans who give me bows of gratitude before going to their animals. I fly away, and the other dragons follow.

Down on the ground, Bucket is looking in the chicken coop but finds no eggs. He frowns and turns to question his friend. "It's chickens who lay eggs, right?"

the sturdy brown-haired man sighs, turning away from the Yak he was by and saying, "Do we need to go over this again?" Bucket shakes his head, but Mulch isn't conceived and sighs.

"We do. Well, pay attention, Bucket." he then points to a sheep, "Wool. " a Chicken, then the yaks, "Milk. Was that so hard now, see?"

They try this repeatedly, and Mulch concludes that the animals do not produce their keep.

This leads us to what we're doing right now. I'm with Hiccup and Toothless, 'sledding.' It's fun. Yeah, if you ask how I got here so fast, we left after I had tended to some queen duties.

It's cold, though. and I feel the fire inside my chest starting to fizzle out. But Toothless and Stormfly keep my mind off things like making me spin around, almost hitting them in the protest, and in return, I burn some of their snow.

It's all fun in games until we hear a crack, and I turn my head around to see an avalanche rolling down the mountain behind us. My golden eyes go wide, and I try to take off, but my... well, I don't know, it's just something in my body that tells me no and keeps it locked.

I look over to see Toothless facing the same problem. We share a glance before we tumble down a deep crevasse; the avalanche rushes overhead.

Darkness envelopes us, and I let out a growl hitting my head on something, but I keep awake. I hear the humans talk together, but then I feel the brush of a wing, and I cuddle closer to see Toothless.

I let out a spurt of fire up soon enough with the help of Stormfly, and the nIght Wing burns a hole in the top of the snow, letting sunlight enter us.

I smile down at Toothless and Hiccup and Astrid, who is whispering, "They saved our lives." I rumble, letting my chest light up, making warmth. "of course you're my friends," I say and nuzzle Hiccup on his head, making him chuckle.

Soon enough, though, we get out, and all fly home, all intent on getting warm again.


 Back to Mulch's, Gobber is under the yak trying to find out why she doesn't give milk.

"Ah, uh... there it is, mm-hmm!" he says and pushes out from the big animal. "Just what I thought. She's not giving milk... none of them are." in front of him is Stocik, who sighs.

"We know that, Gobber. We want to know why." the man shrugs. "This reminds me of when I moved my mother in with my goat. She was mean, ornery, and ate everything in sight. The goat was so scared of her, she couldn't give milk." he says, but his old friend doesn't get it.

Even though it is pretty obvious. "So, what are you saying, Gobber?" the blonde-haired sigh and points to the sheep, saying, " Mothers and goats don't mix. Same with farm animals and dragons. We stopped fighting dragons, so now they're around all the time. The animals are spooked."

Stoick thinks this over. But then he hears whimpering from Bucket and turns over to see him gripping his helmet in pain. "Uh-oh. Your Bucket's not tightening up on you, is it?" Mulch says, and the blond-haired giant shakes his head, but his pain spikes shut him off.

" Well, whenever his bucket gets tight, it means a storm is coming," he says to Stoick and GObber, who are watching them.

" No storm, everything's fine," he says, but his friend doesn't let him lie. He whimpers out again, "I don't want there to be a storm! If lighting strikes me, Bucket, I could become less intelligent."

Mulch chukles, " Oh, ho-ho! That's one tight bucket! And the tighter the bucket, the bigger the storm."  the chief and black Smight share a glance. 

": But that's crazy. Storms don't hit this early in the season." Stoick says. But Mulch is hellbent on his friend's head accessory telling the truth. "If you recall, that bucket of his predicted the Blizzard of Olaf!" he says. "That was a bad one! It took us a week to dig Mildew out." Bucket complaints wincing at the sharp pain in his head. 

" And the rest of our lives to wonder why we bothered. Trust the Bucket, Stoick." Mulch says. Stoick sighs " You trust the bucket. I want a second opinion." he and Gobber then leave for Gothi's, the medicine woman in the village. 

"Gothi, I've come for your council. Is there going to be a storm?" Stoick asks, and the older woman starts drawing in the sand on her balcony. Gobber translates it. "She says: "What do you think?" Huh?" the two share a glance and the elderly woman rolls her eyes, pointing to the preparations she has already made for bad weather. 

The two men 'ahh's, and the lady sings. ": How can you be so sure? Was it the chicken bones? Or the goose feet?" the chief asks. Gothi again drew in the dirt. "he says she could hear Bucket's screaming from way up here." 

This is indeed worrisome. Let us hope that we will manage this storm. 

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