What Flies Beneath

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Everyone has a past. Dragon or human. It makes us to us. Without history, we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't learn. But even though we need histories in life, they can sometimes come back and haunt us. 

I lie in the hut outside Hiccup's house when I hear the unmistakable growls of Toothless, which makes me wake up. I can feel the earth's vibration beneath me, making me lie still as death-touched crops. And I listen. This can't be a human. It has to be a dragon. 

But soon enough, the sleep that I tried so hard to battle came back and claimed me. But when I rose the following day, I found my friends by a hole in the ground. Toothless was angry and stressed. I could see it in his posture, and my heart skipped a beat. 

If there were something Toothless was dressed over, then there seemed wrong. I walked around, giving him a nudge. "hey, easy," I said, noticing the bucket human in the hole. Fear and insists called me, telling me to back away. I did, and soon Bucket got thrown out of the hole in a cloud of dust, a strange sound following his descent. 

I then notice the disspariecne of Toothless, and my heartstrings cut short for a while. Then suddenly, a spiked dragon shoots out of the hole, snarling and baring its rating teeth at us. My imidate reaction is to let out a roar of dominance. Instead, the dragon sneers at me, looking at me with foggy white eyes. 

Its nares flare, and it hisses before shooting back down into the hole. 

"What... was... that?" I hear Stormfly ask. Belch and Barf snort, their teeth bared as Blech's rider beams at how much he wants the monster. I growl, my eyes on the ground, searching for Toothless. 


Then it bursts from the ground making a new hole. As I circle it, I let out a growl, directing its attention to me. It hisses and snarls but never makes to charge at me. It must've understood who I am. I smirk and lift my chin "good, you know your place. now get out before I make it for you !" Again, I snarl, and the dragon whimpers going down into its hole again. 

I glance at my friends before slamming into the hole, ignoring their calls. But, unfortunately, this is a thing I have to do. Toothless seemed very intent that this dragon was something he hated. And if he didn't like it, I didn't trust it either. 

Darkness even loved me as soon as I touched the hole. 

And the scent of this strange dragon entered my nares. And so my search for my beloved friend started. 


The search is empty. I find nothing. No Toothless. No Whispering Death. 

I let out an angry roar and intently bellow fire in one of the tunnels of this place. A cry of pain catches my ears, and I twist them, slinking after the sound. 

When I reach the source, I growl. It seems like the victim of my fire were the Whispering Death. he hisses back at me, "why did you do this?! I didn't hurt you!" he snaps, and I growl warmly. A whimper tears out of his throat. 

"f-forgive me, m-my queen," he stuttered, and I snorted, amused by this dragon's change of attitude. "remember next ti, me that tone of yours. Now I want you to listen closely. If you find Toothless bring him to me unharmed," I say, then start to walk away but stop short. "I will know if you hurt him or the humans. And if I find that you did, you will not live to see another sunrise," I then continue to walk the tunnels until I find a way out. I waste no time and climb up the hole, stretching my wings once I do. 

Ugh, I'm not going back down there. I have to wait for Toothless then, I think, and take to the air, relying on my nares to lead me to my beloved. Hopefully, they will lead me right this time. 

While I flew,, I thought of how the feeling of dread hung over me at this event. 

That Whispering Death and Toothless have something undone. It is not my business,, but I won't stay back if he tells me to. His problems are mine. Soon enough,, I find the hole where his scent is the strongest. But that isn't the only thing I see. The fleshy humans are there too,, also looking for our precious Night Wing. i growled as i landed with a thud. 

They're going to be killed out here, I thought as Hiccup and his friends turned to me eyes wide in relief and awe. I occurred as I lowered my head,, my anger failing me as soon as it bubbled. 

"you need to leave,," I told him quaintly. But he shook his head "no,, Toothless can't fly without me. he will die if I do not help him. please, Smaug. he loves you. He will listen to you,," he begged me,, and I let out a shaky breath, smoke trailing out of my nares. "I can try" I answer him looking straight into his moss green eyes. 

He smiles at me,, and we part as the ground shakes. He is coming, I think,, and go into an attack positions my dragon friends following my example. I say no word. I tell no tale. I only growl and hope for the best. 

Once the spiky dragon leaves the safety of his hole,, I let out a roar so loud that it shakes the foundation of the earth. It heeds a warning. A word left unsaid. Mortal ears will not catch its meaning. But the Whispering Death is not dead. He hisses at me,, but his head sinks to the ground in submission. 

I blow off a plume of smoke when Toothless suddenly jumps out of the hole,, his body rigid and his pupils slit. "get back!" he roars as he lands in front of me. The Whispering Death lifting his head,, his foggy eys narrowed in on the dark fury. 

But I don't let him attack. I pin in down on the forest floor,, gently wincing at his pained yelp. I then lean down and whisper deeply in his ear,, "you will not fight him,, Toothless. not alone. this is a fight you must do with us. otherwise,, you might suffer the consequences" I feel his body shudder at my touch and the depth of my voice. 

With a snort of amusement, I let go of the Night Wing and looked up at the dragon staring at us. At the display that just happened. 

I growl at him, and with a flick of my tail, the dragon's attack. 

And we drive him away from Berk. 

I smile once it's done, giving toothless a nudge as he sighs. "trust this, Toothless I will always have your back. And you will have mine. We are one you and I," I say, and he smileleavinge, and together, we fly home, leaving the spiky dragon alone. 

Just like he leaves us alone. 

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