Heather Report [Pt. 1 ]

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Me and Toothless are flying around the island with Hiccup. But I didn't push myself. He was faster than me anyway. Soon we came in for a landing, and I let Toothless fly first. "So? How'd we do?" asks Hiccup. Fishlegs shrug their shoulders. "Technically, you're still the fastest, but someone, and I won't mention who is gaining significant ground."

"What?" I ask. Fishlegs point to Stormfly and Astrid. The lace girl smiles innocently. "Let's say I'm experimenting with what she eats. It's working. And, making you mad." she said, and Stormfly smiled at me, but I just grinned. This fly Battle is not for me. I instead fly calmly around the island.

Suddenly, Hookfang and Snotlout in LG pocket the big red dragon laughing, "Whoo! Ha-ha! Whoo! You won't believe what I just found!" I lift my head curiously. "what then, Hookfang?" I ask, but the red dragon growls, "Um, excuse me? Do you guys want to see this or not?" he looks at all of us.

We nod, and soon we're flying down to the beach. There we see a broken ship. The smell of a human comes to me, and I snort. But I'm not going forward. Snotlout smiles and lures the rest of us onward mef him. I feel toothless too.

Under the ship lies a girl with black hair. There's something weird about her. The smell of her is familiar but, at the same time, not. I growl, but Hiccup gently pushes me away. "It's okay. Easy" he says, and I hiss, but I walk away as asked.

The girl comes out of the boat and looks wide-eyed at me as I lie down. As long as she doesn't hurt my friends or me, she can live.

"How did you do that?" She asks in the end, still wary of my eyes on her. She might not be of any harm, but I still don't trust her at all.

"That? That's nothin'. Watch this. Hookfang, get your butt over here! Heh heh heh. He'll be back. Jokester. Oh! And just so you know, I'm the one who rescued you." Snotlout says, calling over his dragon but getting no response.

The girl then tells us what happened even though I can see straight to her lie. But I let it lie until I can disk out what it is.

"My family and I were on our way home to our island when pirates attacked our boat."

She seemed to have a tough week. I snort but listen on.

"They attacked our boat and took us back to our island, laying siege to it. I escaped, but my mother and father weren't so lucky." Oh, poor girl, the sympathetic part of my mind echoed, and I snorted; Nah, it's been worse, or I've heard worse, the unsympathetic past growled.

I agreed with them both. Let's see whose right.


Heather got a sleeping place here with Hiccup. I was sleeping outside, so I didn't care that much. 

Toothless came over to me to say our nightly goodnight and stuff and cuddle. I smiled at him where I lay in my hut, which was made of stone and wood to make me feel more at home. HIccup had made it for me with help from the villagers. 

It's homey. "hey, Smaug," Toothless said, cuddling up to me, letting me drape my leathery wing over his body. "hello, Tooth. Is Heather treating Hiccup well?" I asked, laying down my head. My golden eyes closed, but the flare of my ear horns indicated that I was listening to every word the Night Fury said. 

I felt Toothless move under my wing, cuddling closer to me. "yeah, so far. I think HIccup finds her attractive. His heart lies with Astrid, but you know how boys get when they see someone they find attractive. He will trust in her more than the blonde, I fear," I hum, my tail flicking aorund us both, keeping us closer by the ounce of a touch. "I'm sure she isn't as bad as it seems. But I, too, feel that there's something underneath that pretty surface. She is hiding something." 

Toothless hum too, and soon we fall asleep, unaware of the young black-haired girl sneaking about the island. Her eyes find my form soon enough, and she takes a deep breath, doesn't worry, Smaug, I don't want to hurt you, but if Alvin wants you and he threatens my parents, this is the only thing I can do, she thinks before walking back inside through the backdoor window knowing that I am too far in sleep to notice her.

But now, she has shown her true intentions. Yet for eyes to see through. 

In the morning, I wake up first and yawn, stretching out and whipping my tail about. I feel the warmth of another body by mine, and I smile, looking down at the black heap beside me. He is pressed into the softer part of my chest where the scales go over into smooth skin like the beach on a summery day. 

The door opening has me turn my head to see Hiccup and Heather walking toward us. I purr at Hiccup once he stretches his hand out, letting my snout touch his soft paw. Heather watches us with awe. I snort at her before turning back and prods at Toothless. "love, it's time to get up," I say, and the Night Fury awakes slowly, blinking up too-tired eyes at me before smiling a gummy smile and giving my snout a dragon version of a kiss.

I started a bit but didn't make a big deal. He could've done worse things than give me a little kiss. 

We both stand up, stepping out of the hunt and shaking out our wings, showing the glorious pattering and our scales glimmering in the rising sun. 

Hiccup smiles at us when we turn to them both, and we readers to the Academy. There the others are waiting, but I feel Astrid's anger before I see her face. Stormfly isn't that much better either, hissing at Toothless as he goes over to her. 

"Oh, Astrid's jealous of the pretty one, right? Why talk about hens and roosters?" Tuff says, and I roll my eyes but am still curious. I lean over to Stormfly, but instead of giving me the stink eye like Toothless, she croaks, and we lock necks, giving each other a hug I didn't know she needed. But I let her hug me feeling that this was important to her, and now that Toothless and his rider had forgotten about it, it hurt her. 

"shh, shh, I'm here just easy, alright?" I say and give the blue-yellow Nadder a soft lick where her shoulder blades meet her back. she shudders under the pressure of my tongue but lets it happen. Soon enough, we part ways, and I turn to the teens seeing that Fishlegs are holding the Dragon Book in his hands. 

Heather asks if she can look in it, but Astrid suddenly grabs it and grabs Hiccup, dragging them away. I share a glance with Toothless, but he shrugs. he knows as little as I do about this topic. But our blonde rider is jealous and untrusting. I get that. I'm too. Well jealous I am not, but I don't trust Heather as far as I can press her under my claw, pushing her into jelly. 

I just hope she doesn't use Hiccups or the other's trust to her benefit. But if I know humans, and I like to think I do, she will most definitely do that. 

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