We Are Family [Pt.2]

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I woke to the feeling of anger and dread.

Quick as a lightning ball, I shot up, letting out a growl, and wasted no time flying. I flew as fast as I could toward the tug of my soul. Toothless was in danger.
No way I'm going to let him do this alone.

Soon enough, though, I reached the island where his scent and Hiccups twined together. But there was also another scent — something... burnt and tangy.

Alvin the Treacherous, I thought darkly, and as I found an empty island with only the scent to aid my suspicions, I let out a sheik, angry roar. It was enough to shake the very foundations of the island.

I was angry. Mad. Burning hatred.

You took me once, Alvin. You will not be able to take Hiccup. Not now, not ever.

With that in mind, I flew on, heading toward Outcast Island. That snake-sucking coward will face justice in the form of flames.


Alvin and Savage take Hiccup into the dungeon " Where's my dragon, Alvin? Where's Toothless?" Hiccup asks. The black-haired man chuckles. "You'll see him soon enough. Don't you worry?" Hiccup sighs and snickers softly. "You know, I must admit... luring me and Toothless to the Isle of Night, building a fake Night Fury... not bad." 

Alvin races a brow and chuckles again " Ha ha! "Not bad..." says the one-legged boy in manacles." but HIccup isn't done. He's still angry about this whole deal, but Mildw, a man he thought hehe could somewhat trust and turn him against him, now understands why that man hates dragons so much. "But turning Mildew into an Outcast? Using him against us? Come on, Alvin. That's low-hanging fruit... even for you." 

That makes Savage chuckle, but he gets a slap in the face from his boss, with makes him shake his head and snap at Hoiccup. "No one thinks you're funny, boy. Now, keep movin'!" Finally, they stop at a cage with a Whispering Death. It roars and burrows under the ground. 

"you know it's going to keep doing that, right? It is a Whispering Death." Hiccup points out. Savage shoves Hiccup away. A Scauldron is drinking out of a trough in the next cage. It looks up and shoots boiling water at a guard. " A Scauldron... impressive. You might wanna cut back its water." Hiccup notes. 

Further on, Outcast guards run to a seemingly empty cage. Hiccup sighs and raises a brow. "It's escaped again!" one of the dimwitted men yells, and the dragon boy sneers. "Actually, no. It's right behind you. Changewing." The dragon changes color fires acid, and ducks. Hiccup chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Whoo! Wow, you guys don't have a handle on these dragons, do you?" 

Alivn huffs, growling: "Well, that's why you're here. Welcome to your new job, Hiccup." Hiccup's eyes widen, and he snaps, "A job? Me? As inviting as that sounds, I will have to pass." Alvin tsks, and they walk further, showing a cage with Toothless chained up and muzzled.

It's a little of what they did to Smayug, but it's close enough. Talking about that beast, she must have heard the calls of the dragon because no minute later, the island shook and rumbled stones, tumbling from the feeling, and dragons letting out shrill roars, calling for the one that could save them all. 

And that is no one else than Smaug, the queen of dragons. Toothless hears her letting out a call of his own. Hiccup stumbles a bit, but a smile sneaks its way to his lips, and once he has stepped back, the stoned feeling cracks, and down comes the ember-colored dragoness, her chest bubbling with fire. 

An angry glean is in her eyes, and with a roar, she bashed the cage with Toothless, her tail curling up around his chains, breaking them her claw swiped over Hiccup's manacles and, before long, pins the OUtcast chief and his next in command to the gourd her teeth bared and poison saliva dripping down. "you tamper with, my friends, you tamper with me! Now die!" her anger is unmatched and unstable, but Hiccup knows that killing your enemy will take you nowhere and yells out for her before the fire nearly reaches her mouth well out: "Smuag no!" 

She swallows the liquid and turns to give him a soft glare "what are you doing? get out!" she snaps, ordering the other dragons hat are not freed to leave. "lead those dragons away from here, Hiccup and Toothless. There's something I must do before long," she snarls and turns back to the Outcasts pinned under her nails. "Smaug, no! you cannot kill them! it won't help anything!" Hiccup calls, but he ignores them, and before anyone can do anything, an inferno embrace this dungeon, charming every stone wall and every iron bar metal. Nothing but a cloud of smoke is left, and the raor of a dragon is angry so that a heart can break. 

Toothless lets out a distressed call when he sees Smaug standing there; her back turned to them and under her two limp bodies. Hyer eyes, when she turns to her friends, are dull and lifeless veritas clean in her eyes. 

"I said get out!" she snarls, her jaws snapping in the air. Her friends whimper and leave, glancing after hemlines. 

But Smaug is a lost cause. Her willpower is diminished; therefore, her madness has finally come forth. A kill is worth a thousand lives. 

But she did it for a price. Dragons are free now; her friends are no longer shackled and brought before a painful death. And there is no more Alvin and the outcasts to worry about. 

Yet there is a problem Hiccup and his friends must face now: a mad dragon and, not least of all, the queen of dragons. 

How will they get her back? 

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