Dragon Flower

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Berk is a small island in the middle of nowhere. So when humans get a taste of something new...they tend to go a little overboard. Unfortunately, new isn't always good.

Toothless and I are by the harbor, me flaring my nares at all the new scents that flush in. I never like humans, but this guy seems okay. He smiles at the Vikings when he lets his ship bridge. His eyes failed over at me, but I gave him a golden uninterested stare filled with continuity.

He shuddered a bit before turning to his customers. "Where have you been this time, Trader Johann?" Bucket asks excitedly. The Trader man chukles, beckoning the humans onto the boat. I stand on the wooden harbor while stretching my neck, sniffing the different things.

"Oh, Bucket, the things I've seen, the people I've met! I'd need a week to regale you, but alas, we have limited time to conduct our business together. Whatever it is you're looking for, I can assure you you'll find it here!" the man boasts, and I roll my eyes, continuing to check the ship out.

My eyes then go to Hiccup, holding a bottle of something. I come over, sniffing it. Trader Johan walks over to us, careful not to nudge me. " Oh, that's pure squid ink, Hiccup. Wrestled from the colossal squid of the Northern waters." he says, and I snort, smoke pouring out of my nares. "you don't wrestle Squids for their ink, Trader guy," I hiss, but of course, Johan doesn't understand.

Only close friends can understand our dragons.

Johan chuckles nervously, ending away from me before Hiccup offers him a winch. It is small, but it will help him pull up Johan's gangplank.

I roll my eyes — too many things. Vikings, I think, then deflates, ah, I'm not that much worse, myself. I have gold in thosudans... well, I had. Now I'm not returning home ever again. not when this island and I have friends that care about my feelings with me. No, here I will stay, I think, smiling as my eyes scan the Vikings and their dragons.

Yes, a place where I can rule and feel loved and love others.

This is a place for a queen.


Back on the island, Tuffnut and Ruff have bought something for the achekdamy. A statue of a Viking makes me snort, blowing smoke from my nares.

Worthless, I thought before taking a blast at it. That made the other dragons yell out, "That was AWESOME! I wanna take a shot!" Hookfang beamed before letting out a stream of fire, the other dragons doing the same.

Toothless was going to try, too, but instead of blasting out the fire as he had intended, he sneezed life, nearly hitting Hookfang and Snotlout. "Hey! Could you cover your mouth when you sneeze?" Hookfang growled. Toothless groaned. "I'm sorry, but that's never happened before," he says, looking at me like a kicked puppy.

I sigh and twin our tails together. "don't worry, time, sure, it's nothing" we then fly home, but Toothless start to sneeze again, colonelcy, and soon crashes to the gourd. "Toothless, are you okay, love? Toothless? Maybe he's got a cold or something." I say to Stormfly, and she frowns.

"I never get them" we then see a tiny terrible terror flying over, sneezing too. " Well, whatever it is, it looks like he's got it, too." I say, nudging the little dragon up on my back to take him to somewhere safe. "you take Toothless back home. I need to get this fellow somewhere safe," I said, and Stormfly nodded, and our parts parted.

When I got back again, Gothi was inside the Haddock residence. My eyes drew together in worry, and I stretched my head to give Toothless a soft nudge. He croaked up at me, giving me a weak smile "hey, Smaug. good day?" he asked, and I snorted.

"shut up, Tooth. You're sick, and I do not want you to get worse. Now lets us hear what Gothi has to say," I said and turned over to see the evidence woman drawing in the sand again. "She says they're reacting to something like they're allergic," Gobber says.

I frown. If so, why haven't I gotten it? I give Toothless a nudge keeping my head over him.

The humans continue talking about how we will find this thing that made Toothless and the other dragons sick. I hope we will get it in time.


Later that night, I'm outside talking to Thornado, the Cheif's dragon. We've become good friends after that time when he and Stoick bonded.

"How's my dragon warrior?" I ask, and Thornado rumbles. I give him a nuzzle before seeing Hiccup and Stoick leave. I hope they will return with the indicted before the dragons get worse.

Soon enough, though, they get back, and the dragons get the andicote soon enough coming around. I smile at the blue dragon and go over to Toothless, who gives me a lick, and our tails twine together.

A deadly flower, a venomous sea dragon, and Mildew's butt. Three things I never really thought I'd have to deal with on the same day. But I'll do anything for my friends.

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