Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man

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Measuring up to a Viking father isn't easy, especially when that Viking father is also the Chief of your village.

Budget, their only painter, is painting Hiccup today. All of us are invited to the celestial that follows.

So, when you get a chance to prove yourself, you jump on it.

"Shoulder's back, chin up, son! This portrait's going to hang in this hall forever." Stoick says his son is doing ad told.

Bucket, frustrated, steps away from his painting and marches over to Stoick and Hiccup. He rearranges Stoick's beard, adjusts Hiccup's shield, and then throws his arms in the air in a manner of the defeat.

"I CAN'T DO THIS!" He suddenly yells and runs bucket-first into one of the hall's support beams.  He sways for a moment before adjusting the bucket on his head back into place.  He is seemingly much calmer.

"I've never seen Bucket like this." Hiccup says, looking at the blonde man. His father shrugs. "Well, when he lost half his brain, he suddenly became..." the chief trails off, looking ok as Bucket takes a handful of paints and blows them onto the shield. "an artist."

Bucket continues to move the paints around with his hand with expertise.  He holds out his thumb to his focus and closes one eye to measure proportion.

"So, Bucket can paint?" Hiccup asks his father, nodding, "Oh, he's the best! He's going to do us proud, son." Stoick gestures to the wall behind them.  Five shields are displayed, each bearing a picture of a past Viking chief standing next to their son.

"This portrait will take its place along with all the other Chiefs and their sons," Stoick explains. Then pot to a shield shows a picture of a prominent Viking chief who resembles Stoick quite a bit, standing next to a younger Stoick the Vast.

"That is the only picture of my father and me. It was a great day." Stoick breaks from his memories and looks down at Hiccup.

"And so is this!" They both return to posing for the picture.  Stoick glances down at Hiccup. "Chest out, son!"  Hiccup takes in a gulp of air and tries to expand his chest as much as possible.  He holds it for a second before releasing it.

"Yeah, this is as out as it goes, Dad." He says, and his father shrugs.

"Ah. Very well, then."


Layer Hiccup and his freind are gathered together in the hall, looking at the clinics.

"Look at all these great leaders. And tomorrow, your picture will be hanging next to them!" Astrid says with a smile. Hiccup smile back. "You are part of an elite group now, my friend. And one of the few who their successor didn't kill." It cuts Fishlegs in.

"I guess it is a pretty big deal. I mean, it's like... being a part of history, right?" Hiccup says, feeling proud.

Snoutlout thought, of course, that had to break that "History of goofballs. Heh-heh, what a clown." He points at the picture ok the wall. Fishlegs smiled. "That is Hamish the First. He was our richest and most revered leader. And his son, Hamish the Second." He says.

But Snotlout shrugs it off, rolling his west. "I'm Hamish the First. Bow down before me and kiss my pointy shoes." "

The twins snicker at us before doing it, and ruff pushes snoutlout, so he falls vary at the wall breaking the painting of the wall. Fishlegs freak out. "Look what you did to the Hamishes! Forgive us, please!"

Outside I'm like aorund the island in a daily cycle. It has become like this since the dragon accident later weeks ago.

It's fun, though. I greet more dragons than natural, and we also have our even meetings at the beach. Toothless has begun to cowl more often, which surprises me, but I don't complain.

I mean, he's cute, and I don't care about who's there.

Only that dragons showed up, is all.

Sorry, dear reader bur time to go now. I will let you know the wisdom coat.

Hiccup spent most of his life trying to prove to his dad that he could be his kind of Viking. As it turns out, he already was.

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