Eret's Lesson

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As I arrived home, I shook off the lingering sensation of ropes rubbing against my scales. The familiar sound of talons on rock reached my ears, prompting me to grunt and open one golden eye. Through the darkness, I could make out the outline of a dragon I knew all too well. "Toothless," I rumbled, and the gentle cooing that followed brought a smile to my face. He approached me, dipping his head in a respectful manner. "Smaug, I...," he trailed off, leaving me intrigued. Normally, he would have been out with his rider, Hiccup. Perhaps exploring the city or engaging in some other adventure. But instead, he had chosen to come here, to my cave.

Toothless and I stood there, frozen in place, as the sound of a horn filled the air. My head lifted, and I sniffed the air, detecting a wave of fear emanating from everyone around us. With determination, I rose to my talons, muttering, "Come on," as I sauntered forward, Toothless bounding after me. As I surveyed the scene before me, I came to an abrupt halt. Dragons were soaring through the sky, their roars echoing and calling out to each other, while Vikings hurriedly ushered them into pens and stables.

"What the..." I growled, my eyes narrowing. I extended my neck and firmly gripped Toothless by his scruff, holding him securely as I lumbered towards where I sensed Hiccup and his family.

Eventually, we reached their location, and I released Toothless from my grasp. "Hiccup, what is going on?" I inquired, my deep voice tinged with concern. The young chief's son turned to face me, his expression filled with worry. "Father has ordered everyone into lockdown because those men we saw earlier are working for a dangerous individual named Drogo Bloodfist," he explained. A frown creased my brow, and I flared my horned frill in response, clearly displaying my displeasure.

"Who is he?" I inquired, curious about this mysterious Drogo Bloodfist. Hiccup shrugged in response, indicating that he was equally clueless. "I've never heard of him either, and I refuse to let fear keep us confined here," he declared resolutely, mounting Toothless, who was already prepared for action. "Are you coming or not?" Toothless asked, looking up at me with his moss-green eyes.

A smile formed on my snout as I lowered myself down and affectionately licked Toothless' neck. "Of course, Toothless. I wouldn't miss this for anything," I affirmed, my loyalty unwavering. Together, we made our way out of the stables, my large form occasionally causing some difficulty as we navigated through tight spaces. But eventually, we emerged into the open.

Once airborne, the rhythmic sound of wing beats reached my ears, and I craned my neck to see Stormfly and Astrid flying alongside us. "Heh, never could pass up an adventure, now could you?" I rumbled playfully to the blue and yellow Deadly Nadder. She swatted my wing in response. "It's in my nature, what can I say?" she chirped, a shared understanding passing between us. With renewed determination, we focused on the path ahead, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.


Eret's ship defiantly cuts through the northern waters, leaving Lapland behind. Standing on the bowsprit, Eret scans the waves intently, searching for any signs of movement. He then turns towards the deck, where his crewmen are stationed at the gunwale cannons, their sights trained to the sky.

"Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago by daybreak. We need to fill this ship with dragons, and quickly! No time to be picky if we want to survive," Eret urges, but his words are interrupted by one of his men.

"Uh... Eret?" the crewman calls out, pointing in a specific direction. Eret follows the man's gaze and spots a trio of dragons flapping their way towards them. A smirk forms on his face.

"Heads! Off the port quarter!" Eret announces, alerting his crew. They swiftly swing the net cannons towards the approaching dragons, silhouetted against the backlight. The crew prepares to take them down.

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