*~Chapter 1~*

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2nd Person P.O.V

You gave out a long sigh.

You tapped your pencil against your desk in impatience. You'd finished all the questions ages ago but you had to seem busy so that the teacher wouldn't give you any extra to do. Seconds seemed to tick by slower than ever before as you waited for class to finally end.




You looked up, finally realising that one of your classmates had been trying to get your attention. You looked behind you to see who it was. You mentally rolled your eyes when you realised who it was.


Ashleigh was a girl who somehow was in most of your classes and you could definitely say you found her annoying. She, for some reason, was clearly vying for your heart. She'd even asked you out multiple times but didn't seem to get the memo that you weren't interested. What's worse, she lived on your street. You couldn't seem to get through a single day without her finding some new way to flirt with you.

She smiled once she saw she finally got your attention.

"Hey, y/n." She used that obnoxious "cute" voice she always did with you.

"Do you think I could borrow some of your notes?" She winked, as if that would make you more likely.

"Right. You and I both know this is about more than notes. Look, I'll keep it short: I'm. Not. Interested. There's plenty of marine life in the sea, go and fish for another."

*Ring* *Ring*
Saved by the bell.

You packed up your things and headed off to lunch. You had a packed lunch so you just sat yourself down on a bench to eat by yourself. Some people often looked at you with sympathy thinking you were lonely but you honestly preferred to be alone. It was lovely and quiet compared to anywhere with other people. You had time to think.

As the many, many thoughts swirled around in your head, you could have sworn you saw some red fur among the trees ahead of you, but once you blinked it was gone. You passed it off as your imagination, especially since it was so active all the time.

The bell rang again for the next lesson.

~ Two boring lessons later ~

Finally, the bell rang the end of the day.

You gathered your stuff up and left the classroom as quick as anything. School was hell. Literal hell. Sure, you were relatively good at it, but that didn't mean you liked it. As a matter of fact, you hated it. Every second.

You left the school grounds after 7 excruciating hours of work, work and more work. You headed for "home", which, to be completely honest, didn't entirely feel like home. You much preferred the company of animals and fictional characters than your own parents.

You made it to your road but faltered. You didn't exactly feel like going there just yet. You went back to the large tree next to the road, underneath which was a bramble thicket which had a hole just large enough for you to fit through.

Once through, you let your backpack fall off your back onto the ground next to you. You hunted through it and got out your sketchbook. You flipped through the pages upon pages of sketches you'd made of various things: characters, items, settings, etc from your favourite cartoons, especially the Owl House. You flipped through to a new page and began to sketch a new drawing.

After a while of drawing you decided to head back home, so you crawled back out of the thicket into the open. You were so preoccupied with your thought that you didn't even notice the sudden change in scenery. You stopped in your tracks.

'This is... different.. but weirdly familiar.'

You looked behind you and saw what looked like a rip in the air or something, and through it you could see where you were before. You were about to go back when it disappeared in front of your eyes.

'I'm sure that's not good.'

You froze, your hand tightening around the strap of your backpack. A moment's silence of you processing what just happened passed.

"Well, shit."

A/N:  This took me WAY too long to write. The amount of drafts for this was unreal. I always struggle with the beginning. Anyway, feel free to let me know what you thought of it and maybe give me some constructive criticism. I'm a new writer so I still have a lot of improvement to make.
Also, would anyone be interested in seeing y/n sketchbook? I was planning on perhaps releasing it at some point, which would obviously take time since I'd have to draw the pages.

(March 13 2023)

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