*~Chapter 5~*

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You were walking through the forest, listening to the birds twittering among the branches in the trees, feeling the soft breeze blowing through your hair. You looked up towards the canopy overhead, smiling as you felt the golden specks of warm sunlight shining through the waxy green leaves onto your face. You were in your element. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in through your nose, and exhaled through your mouth. Zen.

At that moment, you heard rustling in the bushes, and your head whipped around to face it. You felt your heartbeat increasing, and your breaths becoming heavier. It felt as if you were awaiting an inevitable doom. The rustling became louder and closer, until there appeared—
A deer.
It was a deer.

He was beautiful. He had huge, winding antlers, soft, light brown fur with an off-white underbelly and jaw and a lovely speckled pattern on his back, and large, black, shiny eyes. He walked up to you, head bowed, and sniffed your hand. You gently patted him on the muzzle, which he seemed to like. Suddenly he snapped his head around, and ran off in the opposite direction.

Something had spooked him.

You look towards where the deer had looked, and you could have sworn you saw a flash of red, before it disappeared. There was then a sudden rustling behind you, and you whipped around. Before you, you saw a huge silhouette of a canine creature; to the top of its head it must have been about the same height as you.

Shivers were sent down your spine when it turned its head to face you. Your breath hitched in your throat. You couldn't breathe.

Its eyes snap open, staring straight into your soul glowing a bright, amber hue.




You shot awake panting. Beads of sweat rolled down your forehead. You put a hand on your chest and felt your intense heart rate. You looked around, realising you were still in that damned cell.

'It was just a dream...'

You managed to slow your breathing and your heartbeat was now at a steady rate. That was your third nightmare in the last 5 days.

It had been two weeks now since your first interrogation, and every day had been the same questions and the same answers, and Hunter never seemed to get the idea that your answers were not going to change. Luckily you hadn't had another panic attack, and you didn't plan to any time soon.

You felt someone was watching you and turned to the bars of your cell, and there you saw... Hunter, just leaning against the bars watching you.

"Oh, so, what, you watching me sleep now? 'Cause that is just so many levels of creepy," you said.

"I waiting for you to wake up, human. I need to interrogate you some more."

"Why wait? Why not just wake me up?"

"I made that mistake last week," he deadpanned. "Anyway... h—"

"How did I get here? Don't know. Where did I come from? Human realm. What do I know? Next to nothing. Satisfied?" You answered every question he always asked with the same answers you gave every time.

He crouched down to your level. "I know you're hiding something, human. You've got that look in your eyes. The one where it's obvious there's something you're not telling me something. I will get you to reveal everything you know."

You continued to stare blankly at him. "You know, it's been two weeks and yet, you still refuse to call me by my bloody name, which I told you on, like, the second day."

"Your name isn't what you should be worrying about. What you should worry about, however, is what'll happen to you if you don't begin to cooperate."

He walked away. How many times had he done that now? A million?

You started to feel you might regret being the stubborn so-and-so you were.

A/N:  Wow, that first paragraph it the proud paragraph I have ever written. I'm literally writing this with a pulled muscle in both arms from playing Beat Saber. No regrets! (Maybe a few regrets)
Anyway, hope you liked!

(April 24 2023)

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