*~Chapter 11~*

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The next morning, Hunter woke up first. He rubbed his eyes; he hadn't slept as well as that in a long time. Then he realised what was happening; he looked down and his face and ears went tomato-red.

You were laid against him, your face buried in his chest, with your arms wrapped around him tightly. To say he was panicking is putting it lightly. He truly had no idea what to do. He needed to get up and go do his job, but he just couldn't bring himself to disturb you. He was torn; Belos would destroy him if he was late, but you looked so comfortable. In fact, he'd never seen you so soundly asleep.

He eventually decided to slip out of your arms slowly and gently, so as not to wake you, and he stared down at your sleeping figure for a moment. He leaned down and gently brushed a few strands of hair out of your face. Then he did something he never expected he'd have the guts to do.

He gently kissed you on the head.

It was only a small kiss, a simple peck, but he felt his heart was going to burst out of his chest any moment. He stood there for a moment, shocked at what he did, before leaving, trying to push this to the back of his mind.

Once the door shut closed, you sat bolt upright. Your eyes were wide, and your cheeks pink. You gently placed your hand where his lips had made contact. You began to wonder if this was still a dream, but no, it was very much real.

'D-did heHe couldn't possiblyWhyWhatDoes heYou couldn't form a single thought as the event replayed in your mind over and over.
His tenderness, the warmth... you could get used to it. You wanted to. But there's no way you could tell him how you felt.

You found you couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

A couple months passed since then, and neither of you even once brought it up. He didn't even know you'd been awake. You'd been given some new clothes, more demon realm-y casual ones. The two of you had grown close. You both considered each other a friend.

But you still hadn't told Hunter the truth. Either truth.
You hadn't told him how you felt about him.
You hadn't told him where you came from.

Hunter stared down at the vial in his hand. The azure blue liquid appeared to glow in the light. He felt guilty. Belos had given him this and told him to give it to you. He didn't want to, but what kind of right hand would he be to disobey him?

When he got to the room you were happily drawing, unaware that he was back. He cleared his throat to get your attention. You looked up and smiled at him.

"Oh, hi, Hunter."

You stood up and gave him a quick hug. But you noticed something was wrong by the way he didn't hug back. He always hugged back.

"You okay?" you asked him as you pulled away.

"I— Yeah. It's just—"

You looked at him patiently.

"Take this," he said, shoving the vial into your hands. You looked at the opaque blue liquid.

"What is it?"

"It's a potion."

"Well, no shit, Sherlock," you said rolling your eyes.

"It— It's Hunter."

You chuckled slightly, "It's a saying, Hunter. Just— What does the potion do? What's it for?"

"Just— Just drink it. Please."

You sighed. "I'm not drinking a potion when I don't even know what it does."



He sighed and looked down. "It's a truth telling potion." Your eyes widened. "Belos... He wants answers. So he gave me this and told me to get you to drink it."

"If I drink this... I tell nothing but.. the truth?"

He nodded. "Some people like to call a secret spilling serum."

His head stayed low, but his eyes looked up at you, making his eyes seem bigger than they were. It made him look similar to a puppy. It made your heart melt. It was clear that he didn't want to ask this of you.

You looked at the vial again. 'But what if it...'

You realised something. Maybe it would be a good thing. You couldn't tell him how you felt about him on your own, so maybe an extra push was what you needed.

You took off the lid. You sniffed the liquid and grimaced. "Ugh, it smells sickly."
You looked up at Hunter, and back at the vial.

'Here goes nothing, I guess.'

You took a deep breath before gulping down the serum in one go. You waited a second.

"Hm. I don't feel any different. I mean, other than that horrible aftertaste. Honestly, give my compliments to the chef. The chef who didn't make this because this is absolutely terrible."

"...Huh," Hunter said, stunned.

"That was... unusually honest of me," you said, equally as stunned.

"I guess it worked."

"It feels so unnatural. It's like I have the urge to tell you literally every secret I have. Even the irrelevant ones."

"Well then, you'd better get started," he said, sitting on the end of his bed.

"Excuse me?" You began to pace. "I don't want to tell you stuff, but— There's— AGH!" You ran your fingers through your hair as an attempt to calm yourself down.

"Y/n." Hunter had stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders. If it were anyone else you would have shoved them away, telling them not to touch you, but this was reassuring.
Hunter looked into your eyes. "Please. I just... I need answers. Please, y/n. I-I can't do this without your help."

You looked at Hunter's face, his eyes were wide, his mouth open just enough so you could see his tooth gap, his hair messy.

"What was that?" he asked.

'Shit, did I say that out loud?'

"N-nothing... important."

'Damn this potion.'

You hesitantly said, "Okay. But.. you might want to sit down..."

"And that's about it."

"Whoa. Holy Titan."

"Yep. Pretty much."

"That is... a lot."

"Yeah," you chuckled a little.

"You didn't leave anything out?"

You walked closer to him. "I— There is... sort of... one... more thing..."

'Curse this potion.'

You slowly began to lean closer. "But— I-it's... difficult... to.... say."

Your face was now inches from his. His cheeks were bright red as he stared at you.
You began to feel weak, like all your strength was being sucked from you.

"I....." It was difficult to speak. "I.... was.... a..wake."

You then fell unconscious. Hunter gently laid you on his bed.

He sat and thought about the last thing you said. Minute after minute passed, and he couldn't think of what you could have been talking about. Then it occurred to him.

'That night!'

(May 1 2023)

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