*~Chapter 18~*

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A week passed. No one bothered you again about what happened. You guessed they'd realised they weren't getting anything out of you.

You hadn't seen Hunter and, quite frankly, you didn't want to. You were so worried about what he'd say or think of you after what happened.


Right now, you, Luz, and Eda were in the town of Bonesborough. The three of you had worked hard to collect that bag of demons, and now you were taking it to see how much you would get for it. You didn't really pay attention to what was going on; your mind drifted elsewhere. You were only broken out of your many thoughts when Lilith approached.

"Don't worry, sister. At least my image still commands respect and fear." She mimicked the pose in a Coven poster of her. That was, before it was torched by a garbage man with a flamethrower. You couldn't help but snicker, and King laughed.

"Ha-ha! You're a traitor."

Although, you had to admit, all of this seemed familiar. Like you somehow knew it somewhere, but you couldn't quite place it.

Lilith faced the garbage man, "What's going on? This is anarchy. Who told you to do this?"

As if in answer to her question, three new Coven posters flew onto the wall, and on them was a photo of... Hunter...

Just when you'd been successfully avoiding him, there he was once again.

You purposefully looked away as Luz took one off the wall. "The Golden Guard? Did you know him in the Coven, Lilith?"

"Unfortunately, I did." Lilith grabbed the poster from Luz. "He always got special treatment because he was the 'genius teen prodigy'. But he's really just a brat. If he's in charge... vomit. Although... I'm sure y/n would beg to differ."

You snapped your head up to look at her.

"Seeing as he's their little boyfriend."

You blushed. "Lilith! H-he's not my boyfriend!"

As Luz watched you her eyes widened, and then she gasped, "Oh my gosh! You like him!"

"N-no, I— I mean, I— Uh—" you stammered.

"You do!"

You covered your flushed face. "Ugh! Lilith! I told you not to tell!"

No response came.

Well, no response came from Lilith, that is.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe this!" gushed Luz. "You like someone from the Emperor's Coven! Do I sense some forbidden romance afoot?"

"NO!" You cleared your throat, "No, there's— There's no forbidden romance, there's no anything romance, we were just friends."

Luz and Lilith shared a glance.

"Mhm," Luz hummed disbelievingly. "Sure. 'Just friends'. Do you even realise just how many 'just friends' eventually become lovers?"

"Well this isn't like that! We really are just friends! I mean, i-it's not like I'd... k-kiss him... or anything! Because that— That would be weird, and definitely not allowed! And I certainly wouldn't stay awake every night for at least a week afterwards just reliving that same moment!" You laughed nervously.

Luz gave you a weird, suspicious look, but she let it go, to your relief. You let out a breath.

"Hey, I know! What we need is a confidence boost. Why don't we take on the biggest bounty we can find? It'll be great!" She ran up to a bulletin board labelled 'Greg's List' "Hmm. Lost Cerberus, no. Witch cackling lessons? Uh, but maybe not today. Aha! There's something called a 'Selkidomus' ravaging boats up and down the coast. We'll be on a high-seas adventure!"

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now