A/N (Not a Chapter)

369 8 3

Okay, I just wanted to say...

1K READS?????!!!?!

Seriously, I cannot thank you enough. All the votes, the reads, and the comments are everything giving me the motivation to continue.

I honestly never expected people to actually like my fanfic, I just started writing for fun.

Writing is probably one of the few things I live for at the moment. Since TOH ended I've felt so much emptier inside than ever before, it was like I had nothing left to live for. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends, but my crippling anxiety and depression always brought me down. Hunter was the first person I ever truly loved, and he's honestly kept me alive for much longer than I would have done otherwise.
So, again, thank you all so much for the support.

Sorry this wasn't an actual chapter, I just needed to get my thoughts out.

Sorry this wasn't an actual chapter, I just needed to get my thoughts out

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