*~Chapter 23~*

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Class was finally over.

Now it was lunch time. You realised that Zoe hadn't specified a place to meet up, so you just decided to head to the cafeteria.

You were really hating the situation right now. You never wanted to come here, to school, in the first place. And you'd hoped that Luz would at least be here with you. But, no, of course not. No, you had to be stuck here alone, and you were going to be spending time with a random girl and her friends. Although, you didn't really have anything against Zoe, but it still wasn't the ideal situation for you.

And the longer it took for you to see Zoe, the more you wondered if she forgot about you. Or, what if she did remember, and decided not to come. It would be just about right for you.

"Hey! Here you are!"

You jumped at the sudden voice behind you, and whipped around to see Zoe. "O-oh, uh... hey." You were surprised to see her; you'd figured she hated you and didn't actually want to hang out.

"I wasn't sure where you were, and I realised, "hey I didn't tell them where to meet us up," so then I thought, "where would they go if they didn't know where to go?" so then I thought: The cafeteria, of course! Sorry I didn't tell you, I was just- so excited, that I forgot."

"Oh, uh... don't worry about it.."

"Anyway, y/n, come on!" She grabbed your wrist and you let out a surprised yelp as she began to drag you along with her. She took you through a couple corridors, and finally came to a stop as you approached the underneath of a staircase. "Y/n, these are my friends, Fanny and Zan. Fanny, Zan... this is y/n."

The two teens in front of you looked similar, yet really different. One of them was looking you up and down, as if sizing you up, and the other was much more friendly and bubbly in demeanour.

On the left was a teen who had long, dark blue hair, and purple eyes. Their appearance gave you the impression they were 'mature' and took their studies seriously. They looked feminine in figure, but otherwise a bit androgynous. The other, however, seemed to be the complete opposite. She held a demeanour of excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she attempted to hold it in. Her wide violet eyes were practically sparkling, her lighter blue shoulder-length hair might have once been straighter and presentable, but now it was messy and frizzy. She looked like she was bursting to say something.

"Um.... hi." You inwardly cringed at how awkward you sounded, but nothing could be done about it now.

The excitable girl finally broke. She suddenly bounded over to you and started to shake your hand as she spoke rapidly. "I'mStephanieandthat'smysisterAlexandrabutyoucanjustcallusFannyandZanbythewayareyoureallyahumancausethat'ssosuperamazingI'venevermetahumanbeforeinreallifeI'mapartoftheHASthat'stheHumanAppreciationSocietybutIdidn'teverthinkI'dactuallyeverMEETone!"

"Stephanie!" you heard Zan say with an edge to her voice, and Fanny finally let go of your hand. "Don't overwhelm them with your whole... you. Sorry about her. She's just... really excitable. It's nice to meet you, y/n."

"Uh... don't worry about it. And uh... it's nice to meet you, too..."

"Hey, I have a fun idea!" Zoe said, a hint of excitement in her voice. "How about we get into a circle and say our full names, pronouns and sexual orientations? So we can all get to know each other!"

"That's a great idea!" Fanny squealed.

"Alright, I'm up for that," Zan said with a cool smile. Then all three looked to you.

"Uh... sure.."


The four of you got into a circle - well, more of a square - and Zoe decided to go first.

"So, I'm Zoe Sanders, I'm a girl and go by she/her, and I'm bisexual."

Fanny clapped enthusiastically. "Is it my turn yet?!"

"You have to wait your turn, Fanny," Zan said, rolling their eyes, but still with a fond smile. "It's my turn, then yours, then y/n is after you."

"Aw. Fine."

"Anyway. I'm Alexandra Lupis, but I prefer to be called Zan. I was assigned female at birth, but I'm gender fluid, so I go by all pronouns. Also, I'm demisexual."

Fanny was practically vibrating from her excitement - she looked like a ticking time bomb of enthusiasm.

Zan also saw this, and sighed. "Yes, Fanny. It's your turn now."

Fanny let out a breath. "Yes!! I'm Stephanie Lupis, but I prefer a cute nickname so everyone calls me Fanny! I'm a demigirl and go by she/they! Also, I'm a lesbian!"

"Feel better?" Zan asked their sister.

"Much better," came the reply.

Then the three of them turned to you. Oh boy...

"Uh... well... I'm y/n l/n, I uh... I go by they/them (or whatever your pronouns are) and uh... as for my orientation... I don't exactly... know."

"That's fine," Zoe assured you.

Fanny spoke next, "Zoe's right. You don't need to figure everything out all at once."

Then Zan. "You can take as long as you need and we'll be here for you."

You were amazed. You didn't think you'd ever heard such kind words from another, especially not directed at you. And yet, here these three were, telling you these words.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't need to say anything," Zoe said. "Anyway! How about we have some lunch now? It feels great that we all know so much about each other now."

"Yeah... good idea."

You felt like... maybe... you could get used to having friends like these people.

A/N  I'm so sorry it's been so long, but it's finally here!! Hope you enjoy!

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