*~Chapter 9~*

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It's the next day, and you spent most of it alone in Hunter's room. Not that you had a choice. Because you didn't.

You heard the door unlock and open, and you turned your head towards it. You didn't have time to think before Hunter shoved something into your chest, making you let out an audible "Oof."

"Here," he said.

You looked down at what you were holding, and realised it was your bag. You gasped.
"My bag!"

You placed the backpack on the bed and unzipped it, going through your stuff making sure nothing was missing.

"Just so you, y'know, have something to do. Rather than just sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."

You chuckled to yourself at his awkwardness, which was emanating off of him in waves.
"Aw, come on. You know you like me," you said, smirking back at him.

Hunter felt his face turn hot; he was glad you couldn't see through his mask as he turned away from you.

"Yes!" you yelled, startling Hunter. He watched as you took out your sketchbook and flipped through it.

He watched your bright smile as you looked through the book. It made him feel weird in his stomach. He didn't know what was wrong with him.

You felt a pair of eyes on you and turned towards him to see him staring at you.
"Uh- Hunter? You okay?"

"Hm? Oh! Yes. Yeah, I-I'm fine," he stuttered. You snorted, your face flushing red from embarrassment. You cleared your throat, going back to your book, mostly trying to look anywhere but him.

'Cute...' Hunter thought to himself, before shaking his head.

"Hey, Hunter... You mind modelling for me?"

"Wh-what?" he stuttered.

You chuckled. "Don't worry. Literally all you'd have to do is sit there."

"Uh- okay?"

He sat down on the bed, facing you. You took out a pencil and sat on a chair backwards, leaning your sketchbook on the back of it. You closed one eye, trying to get the perfect angle.

"Hmm... Hunter, could you take off your mask?"

He did, and held it over his stomach. You continued to look, holding your index fingers and thumbs in a rectangle shape. Hunter watched you, light blush covering his cheeks. Eventually you sat back, satisfied with Hunter's position.
"Okay... Just stay in that position. Don't move."

You got to work, sketching out Hunter, who was sat wide-eyed across from you. Sketching his features, his ears, his nose, his eyes, his tooth gap... his scar..... you realised just how attractive he was. You caught yourself staring at him for a moment, before shaking your head and continuing to draw. Why did this keep happening?

Eventually, after a while, you finished, and you looked down at the drawing and back up at Hunter to make sure you didn't miss anything. You were satisfied.

"Done," you said, and Hunter immediately relaxed, falling onto his back. You stood over him, looking down at his face.

"You good?" you asked.

"Who knew it was so hard to stay still for so long?" he said. You chuckled. "Why did you want to do that, anyway?"

"Well... mostly for memories. Most people take photos or videos, but I feel like it so much more memorable if you sit someone down and draw them. Plus, I just like drawing." You shrugged.

"Hm." He stayed laying there, staring up at the ceiling. You laid down next to him.

"...Yup. The ceiling is pretty interesting," you said, earning a little giggle out of Hunter. He instantly covered his mouth, his ears bright red. You turned to lay on your side, propping up your head with your arm, to face Hunter.

You let out a small laugh, "What was that I heard?"

"N-nOthing! It-it was nothINg!" His voice cracked. Twice. Even though it was muffled through his gloved hands, you could still hear it clearly. You chuckled. 'Cute.'

As that thought crossed your mind, you decided not to push it away for once.

'He's cute.'

(April 30 2023)

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