*~Chapter 14~*

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Stumbling through the forest, you trip over roots, branches, plants, and your own feet, attempting to find the source of the black and red blur.

Whatever it was.

You didn't really know what it was you were looking for. You just figured you'd know it when you saw it. Although, you always were terrible at Cluedo. But that's probably because you never had anyone to play it with. Either way, you weren't going to give up until you figured all this out.

Why you kept seeing a flash of black or red.

Why you kept having those dreams every night.

Why your eyes glowed.

You just had to figure this out.

You stopped to catch your breath. You didn't know how long you'd been looking. You looked around.

'Wait... where am I?'

You slowly turned in a circle.

'Which direction was I headed again?'

That's it. You should have known this would happen; you did have quite a knack for getting lost.

You tensed when you heard the cracking of twigs behind you. You didn't know what to do.

'What if it's someone who's gonna kill me?'

'What if it's not?'

'For all I know it could be a cute little animal. Or... demon.'

'But it could be something terrifying.'

'But if I'm gonna die, don't I want to at least see the culprit?'

'But do I really want to see someone, or something, kill me?'

'Ohhhh.... fuck it.'

Ignoring your mind screaming at you not to, you turned around. But you were only faced with the forest.

The dark forest, devoid of all life besides the mass of trees and bushes.


You blinked.

You could have sworn there was something there.

Then you saw a face peek out.


"Y/n! There you are!" she exclaimed, running up to you. "Lilith's pretty worried about you."

"Lilith... is worried about me?" you ask. It came as a surprise that Lilith of all people was worried about you, considering she was one of the people keeping you captive, but you couldn't help but feel bad for making people worry.

Luz nodded. "What are you doing out here anyways? You just suddenly ran into the forest!"

"S-sorry, it's just- I... I don't know what's going on with me... considering what happened at the petrification ceremony... and my eyes... I just want to understand what's going on with me. I just... I thought I saw something that might help. I don't know..." You looked towards the ground.

"Hey," she says softly. "It's alright. I get it. I'd want to do the same in your shoes. But, it's dangerous out here. We should probably be.. get...getting...... back....." she trailed off, and you noticed her eyes weren't looking at you. They were looking behind you. You knew that look. It was the look someone had when they saw some sort of monster. A beast. And it was right behind you.

You tried to resist the urge to turn around, but you just couldn't help yourself. Slowly, turned to face what it was behind you. You tensed when you saw what it was.

A wolf, larger than a regular one. Its head reached as high as your eye level, and that was on all fours! Its fur was blacker than night, except for its ear tips and tail tip, which were a bright, crimson red. It also had winding patterns on its body in the same colour. But its eyes...

Its eyes were amber.

This wolf was the spitting image of the silhouetted one in your dreams.

You felt a hand pull you back by the arm, but you couldn't focus. You didn't know who it was pulling you away from this canine, and you didn't care. You were going to figure this out if it was the last thing you did. Which it probably would be.

You slipped your arm out of Luz's hand and took a shaky step forward. You took step after step, until your face was inches away from the wolf's.

It leaned forward a little, sniffing your face, before swiping a tongue across your cheek. A shiver crept up your spine and you wiped your cheek with your sleeve, trying to rid yourself of the uncomfortable feeling of saliva on your skin. You looked at the wolf. It almost seemed to be smiling at you.

You lifted a shaky hand towards its head, and it sniffed it. You allowed it to come to you rather than the other way around. It bowed its head slightly and touched its head to your hand.

Then your vision went white.

It was soon replaced with the sight of a strangely familiar room.

Your living room.

This was your house.

You excitedly went to go sit down on the couch before... you fell straight through it.

'Huh?' you thought. 'That's not right.'

You jumped back out and stared at the couch. Curiously, you stuck your arm through it again. And there it was; it was as if the couch wasn't even there.

'Or as if I'm not even here...' You sighed.

Then you saw the strangest thing.

A child ran through with their friend, they both must have been about 10 or so.

You remembered this.

It was you.

A/N Sorry this took so long everyone! Honestly I was struggling just to concentrate long enough to write anything, and I suffered from creative block for a while, and then I had to study for an exam... it's been rough. But I've finally managed to finish the damned chapter.

Happy pride month everybody! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

(16 June 2023)

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