*~Chapter 16~*

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You awoke late the next morning. The first thing you noticed was the unfamiliar feeling beneath you. It was soft and solid simultaneously, like a mattress against the ground.

The next thing you noticed was the obscene lack of warmth... You'd really grown used to having Hunter right there.

'Hunter's bed doesn't feel like that...'

You opened your eyes and looked around sleepily. This wasn't Hunter's room....

'Oh. Wait. This is my room in the owl house, I forgot.'

You just remembered the events of the previous day: the petrification ceremony, Hunter letting you leave, that wolf... It was a lot.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes drowsily. You hadn't slept well. You found it was difficult to sleep without Hunter. Why were you so reliant on him being there just to fall asleep?

You got up from your makeshift bed (which was just a mattress with a couple pillows and a blanket) and wearily made your way towards the door. Warily, you made your way downstairs, sort of worried about being seen by the others. At this point, you weren't used to being around anyone other than Hunter, so now being around a human, two witches, a demon, and- whatever Hooty was... it would be a lot to get used to. Especially without Hunter. You honestly didn't understand why you were so attached to him. It wasn't as if you could stay with him forever.

As much as you might have wanted to...

Finally you were downstairs. Luz was the first to notice your presence when you stepped into the living room.

"Hey, y/n."

You jumped a little at the greeting.

"Uh... hey..." you replied, albeit a little awkwardly.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Uhm... okay." You didn't really want to explain to her that you struggled to sleep without Hunter there. You were sure she didn't even know who Hunter was yet.


You stopped in your tracks when you noticed everyone else.

'Am I seriously the last up...?'

"It's okay," Luz said as she walked up to you, giving you a soft smile. She must have seen your worried expression. "You're safe here. Well, safer than you were there anyways."

"Thanks." You appreciated her efforts. You sat yourself in front of a window and forlornly stared out into the distance.

"Hey," she said, sitting next to you, "I know... a lot's happened, but it's okay! The Coven can't hurt you anymore."

You looked at her. She didn't know why you were upset.

"That's not..." You shook your head, deciding against it, then you sighed. "Thanks."

It's fine. It didn't matter if she knew why you needed cheering up. She tried anyway. Even if you still didn't feel happy, you smiled gently. It was a nice gesture.

"Now, come on. Let's go into town! I suppose you haven't been, right?" You shook your head. "So let's go!"

Luz didn't give you a chance to object before grabbing you by the arm and pulling you up. She then ran off in the direction of the door. You smiled to yourself as you followed after her at a slower pace. You didn't know if she considered you a friend yet, but you wanted to get there eventually.

Now you were walking the streets of Bonesborough, following after the excitable human girl. She rushed you, trying to show you everything in the market, when you suddenly locked eyes with someone and stopped dead in your tracks.


Luz looked back worriedly.

"Uhh, y/n? You okay?"

You didn't take your eyes off him as you answered, "Uh- maybe... maybe we should go back to the house..." You backed up a little.

"What? Why-"

She was interrupted by you grabbing her by the arm and backing up, slowly removing your gaze from his.

"Y/n? Y/n, what's wrong?" Luz asked as you finally approached the house.

"Hey, Luz! Hey, y- Ah!"

You didn't say a word and swung the door open, not paying Hooty any mind. You ran a few fingers through your hair. You then let out a breath you didn't even know you'd been holding.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Luz asked again.

You finally turned around to look at her, tears pricking in your eyes. You rubbed them away with a hand.

"Whoa, y/n... are you crying?"

"I-I don't know... A-am I?" you shakily said.

"Y/n..." said Luz as she reached out to you.

You shrugged her off. You didn't want her sympathy right now.

"I... I need some time alone..." you said as you headed once again for the door. "Don't follow me. I just need a few."

You didn't give her a chance to reply before walking out. You headed into the woods, just wanting anything other than for someone to talk to you right now. You kept walking and walking, not registering where it was you were going, or how far you went. You just wanted to get away. Eventually you came into a clearing. It took your breath away, it was so beautiful.

The grass was a beautiful lavender colour, the trees covered in leaves of a similar colour, and there was also a stream trickling through the clearing. You stood there staring at it in awe. That was, until you heard a voice all-too familiar behind you.


You turned around, and you saw none other than Hunter stood there, his mask in his hand.

For a moment, you were frozen, surprised to see him here.

Then you started towards him, taking one step, followed by a second, before finally breaking into a run towards him. You heard the thump of his mask hitting the lush grass as you wrapped your arms around him. He stumbled backwards a little, but managed to stay upright as he hugged you back firmly. You couldn't stop the tear that came back with a vengeance. You cried into his neck. He held you close, allowing you to let it out all you needed, willing to just be there for you.

You weren't exactly sure why you were crying - whether it was sadness, or relief, or if you were just overwhelmed - but it didn't matter. You were just glad to be with Hunter once again.

Once the tears finally dried you pulled away from him. He gave you a comforting smile, and you felt that familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach once again. You looked at him, blushing. Stood there in the clearing, smiling down at you, pink tinting his cheeks and ear-tips, he was just... perfect.

So perfect that you couldn't control your own actions.

You reached up, grabbed him by the cheeks, pulled him towards you and...

(11 July 2023)

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