*~Chapter 17~*

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'Thump, thump, thump'

The sound of your feet hitting the ground almost matched the speed your heart was beating at.

You ran and you ran, ignoring your name being shouted from behind you, ignoring the burning feeling in your legs the further you went. Eventually, you emerged from the forest, panting hard. You decided to just suck it up and head back to the owl house. Your feet dragged as you trudged back in the direction from whence you came in the first place. Your eyes stayed staring down at the floor.

Of course, as you approached the door you heard that high-pitched voice you were too emotionally and physically exhausted to deal with, "Hey, y/n!!"

"Hey, Hooty," you dismissively said, walking past him and into the house.

"Y/n!" two voices exclaimed as you stepped inside. You looked up. It was Luz and Lilith.

"Are you... okay?" Luz carefully asked.

You looked away. You gave a curt nod before heading upstairs without a word.

You went into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Then you thumped your back against it. You slid down the door until you were sat on the floor against it. You thought back to earlier. How you and Hunter.... kissed.

Your face was flushed just thinking about it. You held a hand to your cheek to find it was hot, really hot, while you had a stupid grin plastered to your face. That moment, when your lips met, it was... absolute heaven. You couldn't believe it. You'd just kissed, not only your crush, but the Golden Guard, the emperor's right-hand and nephew, and a fictional character where you were from. It shouldn't be possible, and yet, you'd just done it.

You mentally kicked yourself for running, that must've sent really mixed messages, you didn't know what happened.

Why did you run?

Your thoughts were interrupted abruptly when there was a knock on the door.

"Y/n?" You had expected to hear Luz's voice, so it was a surprise when, instead, you heard Lilith's.

Confused, you stood up and opened the door.

There she was, stood right in front of you.

"Yeah?" you said.

"I just, um, wanted to check on you..." she explained, with a soft, sympathetic look on her face. You looked away.

"I'm fine." you harshly said, wanting to be left alone.

She crouched down to your level. "Y/n... you can speak to us. You know that. I know I... haven't been the friendliest, but I want to make amends." She gave you a soft smile. "So? What happened?"

"I... I-I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I'm tired." You walked past her towards your room before hesitating and turning your head back towards her. "But uh... thanks, Lilith. I..." you cracked a small smile, "appreciate it." Then you continued back down the hallway.

When you got to your room you collapsed onto your bed. It had been a long, exhausting day, and you needed sleep.

(12 July 2023)

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now