*~Chapter 21~*

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You changed into your blank uniform. You'd been trying not to think of Hexside as 'school', but the fact was impossible to ignore. It was school, the very thing that was absolute hell back home. The work, the annoyances, the bullies, the pitying faces... you hated it. And now you were going back there. You frowned.

You were knocked out of your spiralling thoughts by Luz yelling your name. You went downstairs and outside, where Luz, Lilith and Eda were waiting. King was there, too, and Hooty was banging his head on a bucket on the roof of the house. You sat yourself down in between Eda and Lilith once again.

"Light in the darkness, a glittering bridge of ice, the mightiest tree in the forest! You can make all these, and more, with glyph magic! Welcome to day 3 of Luz's magic boot camp!"

Lilith cheered and clapped while Eda, not having paid any attention, was carving into her desk. You on, the other hand, were staring expectantly at Luz. It was only the third day, and the first was a bit of a disaster, but you'd come to enjoy these sessions. It was nice learning more than just the light glyph.

But today, there was something familiar about it.

Oh well.

"Okay, we have covered every glyph I've learned up until now," Luz said. "So today, we'll learn something new."

*Short time skip because I really just can't be bothered lol*

"Toot toot! The Hexside train is a-coming! Chugga-chugga!" Hooty's voice rang out, indicating the beginning of your first day of school. He picked both you and Luz up by your hoods and, as Luz put the tiny demon in charge while you were gone, took you off in the direction of the school.

Along the way, Luz was telling you all about the different tracks you can take at the school.

He finally put you down in front of the school, and you suddenly realised just how big it was.

While Luz began to walk towards it, you found your legs rooted to the spot. She quickly realised you weren't following and turned back.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I- I'm fine. It's just, uh, a lot more people... than I expected."

"It's alright. I promise I'll still be here, and if we're lucky we might be in some of the same classes!"

You didn't feel that much better, but it was nice to know that you had a friend by your side.

You were given no time, however, to leave before Luz grabbed you by the arm and began to pull you along towards the door of the school. Guess you had no choice now...

She stopped in front of the massive double-doors.

"Okay. First day back after the Petrification Ceremony. Just be chill," she told herself. Then, she opened the door, and stepped inside, with you following after. You were amazed by how huge it was, and how it looked just like in the show, only real. It was honestly breaktaking. You were so enthralled by the interior, that you hadn't noticed Luz leave your side to reunite with her friends. She looked back at you and beckoned you over.

Hesitantly, you made your way on over to Luz and her two witch friends, Willow and Gus. As you neared, Luz pulled you closer by the arm.

"This is my new friend, y/n. They're a human too!"

"Another human?!" Gus exclaimed in amazement.

"He's Gus, and that's Willow," Luz introduced, as if you didn't know already.

"How did they get here?" Willow wondered aloud.

Then, all three of their attention was on you.

"Uhh.. I-I don't know. I was at home, and then I was here. I don't really know how," you answered.

"Hey, Luz," you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Amity!" the Latina girl exclaimed, and you stepped back to give the girls some space.

"In celebration of your return, I've brought you a homemade fairy pie."

"Oh, wow, that sounds so-" Luz paused as she looked at the pie, which contained still alive, screaming fairies, "...good..."

"The ingredients are... very fresh." She looked away blushing, and you shared a smirk with Willow and Gus.

"Thank you. You know, after everything that's happened, I'm just happy to return to some sense of normalcy."

"You can't just barge in here!" you all stopped when you heard the voice coming from the PA system.

"Yes, we can. We are the Parent Creature Association," followed a female voice you recognised to be Amity's mother. That could only mean one thing...

'Oh, no...'

"Luz Noceda, Willow Park and Augustus Porter, report to Principal Bump's office now! And you too, Amity."


The five of you made your way to the principal's office. The others walked inside while you waited outside. You couldn't hear specifically what the muffled voices from inside the room were saying, but before long Luz, Willow, and Gus emerged from the room, being pulled away by some school guards.

"Luz?" you voiced, looking back at her as she and her friends were being dragged away.

You stood there, watching after where they disappeared. Of course this would happen on your first day.

Soon after, two people exited the room and walked straight past you. One was a woman with aqua-green hair in a tight bun who walked with an air of confidence and satisfaction, the other was a man with ragged brown hair; they were Amity's parents.

You looked back towards the principal's office and saw the girl herself leave. You couldn't help but notice she looked... crestfallen.

"You're y/n, right?" she asked you. You nodded in confirmation. "Principal Bump would like to see you."

"Uh.. right. Thanks."

"I'm sorry, about my mom, by the way. She-"

"Don't worry about it, I should be used to it by now. Nothing good is meant to stay. It's like they say, right? Be careful what you wish for." Then you walked past her into the office, ignoring the concerned look Amity gave you.

'Here goes, I guess...'

"Ah, y/n. The second human at this school. So, have to put any thought into the tracks you would like to study here?"

"I have, and I've decided I'd like to study Beast Keeping, Healing, and Illusions," you told him, struggling to keep yourself from stuttering.

"Very well." He drew a spell circle and your blank grey sleeves became light and dark blue, and your leggings orange. Then he handed you a small piece of paper. "Here's your timetable. Now get to class."

You left, finding your way to the first class on the list.

Beast Keeping.

A/N  Sorry it took so long, but here it is, finally! I'll be going back to school the day after tomorrow, so I'll be busier.

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now