*~Chapter 12~*

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You opened your eyes the next morning, your head throbbing. You sat up slowly, gripping your head, and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. Your eyes widened.

"Oh, shit," you muttered. "That damn potion."

You sat there gripping your aching head, until you noticed a little yellow potion on Hunter's bedside table, and next to that was a note. You picked it up and read it.

For the headache


You smiled at the gesture. He knew that you would have a bad headache and had left you a potion to ease the pain. It was sweet.

You picked up the potion and drank it in one swig, and you felt as the pain began fade. A wave of relief swept over you; you were worried you'd have to deal with that all day. You looked out the window to see the sun was sinking down the sky.

"HOLY-" You stumbled over to the window to get a closer look, to make sure you had looked at it right.
"...Did I really sleep in for that long? I slept for the whole day?!"

There was suddenly a knock at your door, making you jump and whip around.

'Hunter wouldn't knock, it's his room. No one ever knocks for me... But Hunter's not here... so it must be for me. But who'd knock for me...?'

You walked to the door and placed your hand on the doorhandle. You inhaled deeply, running your fingers through your hair swiftly in an attempt to calm your nerves, before opening the door. You almost gasped when you saw who it was.

"Lilith?" you said, surprised.


"What- I mean..." You cleared your dry throat. "How may I help you?"
It was a huge effort to not stutter.

You realised she looked almost... uneasy, almost like she didn't want to be seen here. Then you saw someone come out from behind her, someone you'd never expected to see again. Your eyes widened.

"Luz?! I-I mean-- human.. girl.. whom I... totally don't know the name of..." You trailed off. You were terrible at this.

"Hey, it's you! The kid I saw in the Conformatorium my first day here!"

"You... remember me?" you asked her, genuinely surprised. You tended to consider yourself quite forgettable.

"Yeah, of course I do. Look, I.. I know you said no the first time, but... you can come back with us to the owl house. I'm sure Eda wouldn't mind," she said.

"...I.. can?" you asked.

"Of course!"

You pondered for a second.


You quickly grabbed your bag and returned to the two.

"Let's go get Eda," Luz said.

The three of you, along with King, walked down the halls of the emperor's castle. Lilith led the way, with Luz and King right behind her, and you were some metres behind them. You had your hands grasped tightly around the straps of your backpack, your chest tight from anxiety.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You froze as you heard the familiar voice behind you. You turned around to face Hunter, who was stood there, holding his staff.

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now