*~Chapter 4~*

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"Hello there, human."

You looked up at the voice. Just as you suspected, it was him. Hunter. Although he wasn't wearing the uniform you were used to in the show. In fact, he was wearing the uniform that a regular Coven Scout would wear.
You must have zoned out; it didn't feel like much time had passed at all.

"I have a name..." you muttered, quiet enough so that he couldn't hear.

"What was that?"


He squatted down in front of your cell, so he was at your level.
"I was hoping for some answers, human."

"Hmm, that's funny. So was I," you replied. That seemed to catch him off guard, so you continued, "First off, why am I here? I didn't even do anything wrong. Second, why do you guys insist on calling me 'human'? I have a perfectly useable name, you know."

He blinked.
"You're a criminal," he said. "I don't have to answer any of your questions." You rolled your eyes. "However, seeing that you are a criminal, you do have to answer mine."

You sighed, "Alright, let me put it this way: if you answer my questions, I'll answer yours. But, if you don't, then I will be as difficult as physically possible. Even if you torture me, even if I'm begging on my knees for my life, I will not give you any answers, I will take it to. My. Grave."

He seemed to ponder for a moment, "Fine."

You were surprised; you hadn't expected him to give in so easily.

"You are here because the emperor ordered so, and we call you 'human' because that's what you are. A human."


Not helpful.

You blinked. "That does not even answer my questions," you said. "Not even close. Like, why did the emperor 'order' for my capture, and why must you call me by what I am, rather than just, y'know, finding out my name? I mean, would you like it if I just called you 'witch' all the time?"

He shrugged, "I honestly wouldn't care. And anyway, you're the prisoner. You don't get a say in how we run things around here. You don't like it, you'll just have to deal with it."

You groaned, "Fine. But that doesn't mean I'll stop complaining about it."

"Now, how did you get here?" The way he said made it seem more like a demand than a question.

You shrugged, "Got arrested for no good reason."

He began to look annoyed. "How did you get to this world?"

"Beats me," you said.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Ugh. Okay, what do you know?"


"Wha- Seriously? That does not even answer my questions."

"Honestly, I'm just answering the questions you asked. You want my answers to change, then change the questions."

He stood up and looked off to the side. "I'll be back later. I hope, for your sake, that you decide to be a little more... cooperative next time." He then walked away, leaving you all alone once again.

You started to wonder if you should have just done as he wanted. Who knew what he would do to you if you didn't. You had considered just doing what he wants next time, but now that you hadn't once, you felt committed, and if you stopped it would mean that he won. And that would mean that you lost. You probably should have heeded Lilith's advice, even if you wouldn't admit that to her.

You thought for a moment, before feeling that all-familiar feeling of boredom once again.

"Why is there nothing to do in this fucking cell?!"

(April 22 2023)

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now