*~Chapter 8~*

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The two of you walked in silence down hall after hall, the only sounds being those of your own footsteps. You looked down at the floor, the events of earlier replaying in your mind. Maybe you should have gone with Luz. Then you wouldn't be here, fighting for air to enter your lungs.

Suddenly, Hunter stopped in front of a door. He opened it and pushed you inside, entering after you and closing the door behind. You took a second to look around. It looked identical to the show, the only difference, of course, being the fact that it was real.

"You can stop snooping, human."

You turned around to see Hunter standing staring at you, his arms crossed against his chest.

"I've told you. My name is y/n."

"I'm not calling you that."

You rolled your eyes, before thinking of something. "Hey, you have a bathroom anywhere here? And, preferably, a shower?"

He pointed behind you, you turned around and saw a door. Somehow you'd missed it.

"Oh. Thanks."

When you got inside, you saw just how luxurious his bathroom was. Only the best for the emperor's nephew, you supposed.

Hunter watched as you entered the bathroom and went and looked through his outstanding missions while he waited.
About 30 minutes later, he heard the door open again and turned his head to see you walking out.

The first thing you noticed when you entered the room was that he was now in his more casual wear, but still wearing his golden mask. Without his cloak, his forelock hung out of the top of his mask. It was kinda cute.

'Wait, what?'

'No, y/n. Don't go around falling for cartoon characters who hold you captive.
...Jesus, this has been a crazy month.'

You shook off that thought as you went to sit on his bed behind where he was stood.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing?"

"Oh, what now? Is it illegal to sit down?" you sarcastically responded.


You raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? You are aware I don't have a bed, right?"

"It's not my fault you don't have one. Off."

"Oh, very sorry I didn't think to pack one before stumbling across a strange magical world by accident, and being captured for no good reason! How dare I not think ahead to a future I couldn't possibly have predicted!?"

He took his staff which was leaning against the wall, and you watched as it began to glow red. You then let out a yelp as a weightless sensation surrounded you. You floated to the end of his bed where he then dropped you on the floor.
"Ow! Well, you could've at least put me down on the floor gently!"

He said nothing and laid down on his bed. He didn't even take off his boots.
He was actively ignoring you.

You sighed heavily. You slumped against the foot of the bed. Was this your new life now? For how long? Until you die?

You laid down on the floor with your back against the bed. You couldn't think of anything else to do. Placing your arm underneath your head in place of a pillow, you closed your eyes.

'Tomorrow's a new day, right?'

You woke up the next morning wondering where you were. Then you remembered. 'Oh yeah, I'm in Hunter's room.'

And then you realised something. Hunter's cloak had been draped over you, acting as a blanket. You sat up, wondering where it came from. 'Did he...?'

You looked around and realised he was nowhere to be found. You stood up, stretching your limbs. You looked at the door.

'I wonder...'

You tried the doorhandle.


You should have known he wouldn't allow you to leave while he was out.

You decided to take the time to have another look around his room. Eventually you got to his wardrobe. Surely a quick look wouldn't hurt, right?

You turned around, looking at yourself at different angles in the mirror. You'd put on one of Hunter's cloaks, along with a matching gilded pauldron on your left shoulder. You had the hood up, effectively obscuring your tangled hair and ears; you were sure you could have been mistaken for a witch.

"Hm. Nice."

"I agree. It is pretty nice. But it's not yours."

The voice made you whip around so fast, you didn't have time to think; you punched him right in the face.

"HOLY SHIT!" you shouted. "I-I- I'm so, so sorry, Hunter! You can't sneak up on me like that! When I hear a voice behind me I just- React! ...Are you okay?"

He took his mask off and massaged his jaw where you'd hit him.

"Ow... You have... an effective defence mechanism, I'll give you that, human..."

You wanted to help. You went to one of Hunter's shelves to find the First Aid kit you'd found earlier while snooping. You placed it on the bed and opened it, rushing to find an ice pack. As luck would have it, for once, you found it quite quickly.

"Sit." You pointed to a space on the bed next to the kit. He eyed you distrustfully. You groaned. "Look, I just wanna help, but I can't do that if you don't sit."

He still didn't look like he trusted you, but he sat down anyway. You took the ice pack and gently placed it on his injury, on his jaw on the left side of his face. He flinched at first, but he let you continue.

Hunter watched as you gently pressed the ice pack onto his injury, suddenly acutely aware of just how close you were to his face. This was the first time he'd really gotten a close look at you.

Your soft s/c skin... your messy, h/l h/c hair... the way you stuck your tongue out as you concentrated... he was in awe by your beauty.

You stopped. "Uh- Hunter? You okay? Your, uh- Your face is kinda red..."

"Huh?" He took a second to process what you said. "Oh. Oh, yEAh." His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat as he brushed his hands across his cheeks to make himself stop blushing. "Yeah yeah, I'm, uh- I'm good. I-I mean, uh.." He cleared his throat again. "I.. appreciate... your, uh, assistance, y— human."

You were bewildered. 'Why is he acting so awkward all of a sudden?'

Then you realised something.

"Wait. Did you almost call me-"

"It doesn't mATter!"

You chuckled as his voice cracked again.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all.'

(April 29 2023)

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