*~Chapter 7~*

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"Have you succeeded in getting any more information out of the human?"

Hunter was knelt in front of the emperor after having been summoned to his throne room.

"I'm afraid not, sir," Hunter hesitantly said. "They've proven to be... a challenge."

"Hmm... How disappointing. Perhaps it is time I spoke to them myself. The next time you see them, if they continue to be difficult... bring them to me."

"Yes, sir."

It had been about a week since you saw Luz. You'd sort of lost track of how long you'd been here.

You were bored. Like, really bored. So you'd decided to whistle a tune to pass the time, and you'd decided on the theme of the Owl House. You figured it was the most fitting for the setting. You stopped short when you heard footsteps approaching. You looked up to see exactly who you'd expected: Hunter. Only he wasn't how you'd grown accustomed to after these weeks.
He now wore a golden yellow tunic with darker sleeves, as well as a dark brown belt and black leggings, underneath an ivory coloured cloak with the hood up. He had dark brown gloves and boots, but the feature that stood out the most... was his mask.

As you stared up at him in awe, eyes practically sparkling, you felt as your cheeks began to grow hot. You hoped he couldn't tell.

"Hello, human." You could already tell he felt more confident. It must have been the mask, which effectively concealed his identity. You knew that if you didn't already know him you probably couldn't have been able to tell they were the same person.
"Don't worry, you'll never have to see that scout again. You'll be seeing me, instead, and I am—"

"Hello again."

"H-huh?" You'd clearly caught him off guard.

"I know. You, Hunter, you're the same person. Congrats on the promotion, by the way."

"I— Wait, I never told you my name..." he said slowly, his voice full to the brim with suspicion.

Your eyes widened as you realised your massive slip-up. You let out a small nervous laugh, "Oh, w-well.. you'd be surprised what you can pick up when you're in a cell all day every day for, like, a month!" You laughed nervously again, cursing yourself for stuttering.

"Right...." He clearly didn't buy it, but didn't push any further. "Now, wh—"

"Honestly, is there even any point?" you asked. "You always come here and ask these questions every day, and I always answer them. My answers aren't going to change because that's exactly what they are. The answers."

"Will you stop interrupting me?"

"You already know the answers to your own questions so just— just leave already." You looked away from him. He didn't do anything for a moment, before he did something you didn't expect, something that confused you to your core. He opened your cell.

"Wh—" Before you could even get a word out he grabbed you by the arm and yanked you to your feet. "Hey! What gives?!" He didn't answer as he dragged you away, you understanding nothing of the situation at all. You struggled in his grip, but he was much too strong. Hall after hall, you wondered where it was he was taking you in this labyrinth of a castle. That was, until you were headed towards a set of huge double doors that you knew all too well. And it was nothing good.
"Oh, no. Oh, shit. No. No no no no!" You started struggling again, much more desperately as you realised where it was he was taking you, but to no avail. He was taking you to the emperor. You did not want to see the emperor. But it seemed you had no choice in the matter. The closer and closer you got to the door, the closer and closer it felt you were going to your doom.

This was it.

This was how you were going to die.

Double doors opened, and in strode the Golden Guard, dragging you alongside him, and he threw you down in front of him. You let out a yelp as you hit the cold floor. You attempted to get up but were stopped by a gloved hand tight on your shoulder, keeping you down.

"Emperor Belos," Hunter started, "this human is being insubordinate and uncooperative. I've had no choice but to deliver them to you, so you can give them the just punishment you deem necessary."

You couldn't look up; you refused to. You were terrified. You were beyond terrified. You could barely even breathe. Your hearing was muffled. Words were exchanged, you couldn't hear what. You tried to force yourself to breathe. It was difficult, almost painful. Now was not the time for a panic attack.

Someone spoke to you. You strained to hear them.

"Look at me, human, when I speak to you."

The voice of the emperor reached your ears, and you forced yourself you lift your head. He was taller than you'd realised, at least 9 feet. And the way he was looking down at you front that height, on your knees, through his antlered golden mask... It was intimidating. You fought back tears threatening to fall as stared up at him, frozen in fear.

"Hmm... perhaps what's needed is hospitality. It mustn't be pleasant sitting there all day in a dingy old cell. Hunter," You felt Hunter's hand tighten as he tensed. You realised you weren't the only one who was scared of this guy. "Take them with you to your room. You will be sharing from now on, until they decide to cooperate." Both yours and Hunter's head snapped up at this.

"Wh-what? But—" He stopped when he was met with a glare from Belos.

"See to it they don't cause any trouble."

He hesitated, "Yes.. sir."

Hunter pulled you to your feet by the arm again and walked back towards the door. He wasn't really dragging you this time, considering you were both walking at the same speed. You could tell by the slowness of his walking, and the way he was almost dragging his feet, he wasn't thrilled with Belos' orders. And you? You were just glad you'd be getting to stay in a room for once.

But you were also worried. Worried about the future, for once. It didn't help that you were still trying to catch your breath after what happened in the throne room.

For the first time, you were scared.

Not scared of judgement.

Not scared of being a burden.

Scared for your life.

(April 27 2023)

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