*~Chapter 20~*

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Luz suddenly burst into your room, causing you to yelp in surprise as you sat bolt upright to look at her. "Y/N!"

"Holy freaking Titan!" you exclaimed, trying to catch your breath. You let out an exaggerated, frustrated sigh. "What is so important, Luz, that it's worth scaring the living shit outta me?!"

"Oops. Sorry," she said with a sheepish smile. "I just wanted to ask you, if you'd wanna come to my magic boot camp?"

You blinked.

And again.

"So... you're telling me..." you said, rubbing the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index, "...you gave me a heart attack... to ask me to go to your... magic... boot... camp?" You glared up at her.

"Uhhh.... yes...?" she replied awkwardly.

"Oh my actual god, why me?" you muttered, running your palm down your face. "You know what? Fine. I'll go. Just as long as you swear on your life that you'll always knock first," you said at last, exasperated.

"Really?!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Swear on your life!"

"Okay, okay, I swear."

"Swear what?! Be specific!"

"I swear on my life that I'll always knock before entering."

"Good. Now go. I need to change."

She left, and you sighed before changing into some day clothes.

After changing, you headed downstairs and, having heard voices out there, went outside. There, there were three desks placed side by side, and Luz had a blackboard set up in front.

"Y/n! Nice of you to join us," Luz said. "You missed my whole introduction thing, but that's okay. Take a seat."

You sat yourself down at the desk in between the Clawthorne sisters, frowning. You looked down at the desk in front of you and saw a pile of paper and a pencil.

"So today we will be doing a light gly—"


"W-what?" she stuttered, clearly unprepared for you to be done already.

"I'm done. Can I go now?"

"Wha- No, I-I'm sure you must've done something..."

"Well, I found the pattern in a book about wild magic, I drew it, tapped it, and voilà," as you spoke you demonstrated by doing exactly that, tapping the pattern, and it turned into a ball of light. "Magic! So... Am I done?"

"Wow, well done y/n, but I'm sure I can find some sort of challenge task for you..."

You groaned exaggeratedly, emphasising your boredom and lack of interest, and rested your head face-down on the desk.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Lilith joked.

"I wouldn't have if someone didn't wake me up." Your tone was venomous, and Luz grew visibly nervous.

"W-well, I didn't want you to miss out!"

"You didn't even know if I wanted to be a part of this. You just assumed. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna go."

With that you stood up and went into the house, slamming the door behind without even thinking about a certain house demon.


"Oops, sorry Hooty," you apologised, before going straight up to your room. You sighed deeply. This happened every time someone woke you up. You got a short fuse, you got mad, blew up, left.. and then you always regretted it and wished you could take it back. You just decided to take your mind off things by drawing in your sketchbook.

You didn't know how much time passed before you heard a hesitant knock on your door. You gave a grunt in response, not really caring too much. The door opened, and Luz peeked inside.

"Hey," she said. You didn't respond. You didn't even look up. "Are you okay?"

You lowered your book a little. You avoided her gaze, looking to the side.

"I don't know," you said honestly. "I... I'm sorry. For earlier. I guess I have some issues to sort out. I often get mad for the stupidest of reasons, especially when someone wakes me up."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I shouldn't have just burst into your room like that, I should've knocked first."

"Hm. I guess we both need to work on it."

Despite the situation, you cracked a small smile.

"So we will," said Luz.

You thought for a moment, before speaking hesitantly, "I think I'll go to your 'magic boot camp' in the future. I kinda like the concept, and anyway, the light glyph is the only one I know."

"Yes!!" Luz exclaimed excitedly. "Great!! Day 2 is tomorrow! It starts at quarter to 9 'kay? Don't be late!"


"Kids!" You both turned your heads towards the door at the sound of Eda's voice. "Come downstairs! I have something to share with you!"

"We better go. It's not wise to keep Eda waiting."

You chuckled slightly, "Okay. Let's go. I'm more curious than a cat."

The two of you made your way downstairs, Luz going first and you afterwards. Your mind raced as you tried to think of what it could be she wanted to tell you, but you couldn't think of anything. You found Eda waiting for you in the living room. Lilith was sat next to her struggling to hide an excited smile.

'What's up with her?'

It couldn't be bad news, you decided, if their badly hidden expressions were anything to go by.

"So? Spit it out, what is it?" you said. The sisters shared a glance before, at last, Eda spoke.

"Well, we figured you two humans would want to stay together, and y/n probably wouldn't wanna stay around here with nothing to do..."

"You never know," you said.

She paid your interruption no notice and continued, "So... we thought it was a good idea to enrol you at Hexside!"

Your heart dropped to your stomach.


You gulped the lump in your throat.

'Smile. They probably went through a lot of effort to do this, just to make you more comfortable. Show some appreciation.'

You gave a strained smile that you hoped looked more natural than it felt. "Thanks. I appreciate it." It took some effort to keep your voice from wobbling.

Luz gave you a side hug but you couldn't concentrate on her right now. Just when you thought you'd gotten away from school, it came straight back to haunt you.

(August 4th 2023)

A/N  I've had this written for ages but somehow forgot 💀
Anyway, I'm not really sure where I was going with this, and I'm not exactly proud of it, but oh well. Fillers, I guess.

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