*~Chapter 3~*

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"What the hell was that? "I'll come check on you later"!? I sound like a worried boyfriend or something!"

Hunter was pacing in his room recalling the events of earlier. He had originally been sent to interrogate you, but when your panic attack struck his instincts kicked in. Instincts to help you. He honestly didn't know why he did what he did.

Was it that he felt bad for you?
No.. it couldn't have been...

It was more likely because you couldn't answer any interrogations if you were in the middle of a panic attack.
Yes, that was definitely it! Definitely not because he felt strangely gravitated towards you...
Totally not that...

Maybe it was the way the light glistened off of your beautiful e/c eyes, or perhaps it was the soft hues of your h/l h/c hair, but there was something about you... He couldn't get you out of his head. He tried reminding himself that you were just a measly human, a prisoner. He couldn't afford to become attached.

But something he couldn't understand... Why did you look at him like that? When you looked at him, you seemed.. surprised. Like you knew him, or at least recognised him, and hadn't expected him to be helping you. He had no clue how that was even possible; he was not well known at all. He decided he was going to figure this out, even if it was the last thing he did.


Meanwhile, in your cell...

You stared blankly at the floor. Your tears had dried a while ago now. You wondered what was next.

No, you were already bored.
No, so far they were keeping you fed, and you didn't want to risk being force-fed.
That one's a "maybe". It depended on just how horrible conditions were in here.

The sound of someone clearing their throat broke you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see a woman.

Hang on... Tall, black dress, dark blue hair... It was Lilith.

'Huh. Well, I guess this must be season 1 or earlier. So Hunter's not the leader yet..'

Your expression didn't change as you stared up at her.

"Hello there... human."

"Hello there... witch," came your reply, low in volume but just loud enough for her to hear, mimicking the exact same tone she'd used. Your voice was a bit hoarse; a result of your earlier incident.

She leaned down closer to your level, presumably to get a closer look at you. She looked you up and down, causing you to become acutely self-aware, and very self-conscious, leaving you feeling rather awkward.

"Hmm... interesting. You know, I would expect a human to look more.. exotic. But you... Well you look like any other witchling. Except for the ears, of course."

"I don't know if that was meant as a compliment or an insult, but I'm going to assume it's the latter and take it as the former."

"Hm, from what I've heard, you should be too shy to say anything."

"Well, I'm not sure who you got your info from, but I'm not shy." You emphasised the word "shy" with quotation marks with your fingers. "I'm anxious. There's a difference."

Lilith stood up. "Uh-huh, well, it doesn't matter. It makes our jobs a whole lot easier. You should expect an interrogation soon. I expect it will be the Emperor's nephew, so take my advice. Try to behave. That brat is nothing but a tattletail, so if anything happens he will go straight to the Emperor."

"Great, duly noted. I have no idea why you're advising me though, but what could go wrong, following the advice of one of my captors?" Your voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Heed my advice, human. Or you may find yourself in a dangerous situation."

You stared up at her blankly, bored of the conversation.

"Goodbye, human." It seemed she could play at the sarcasm game too. Only she wasn't even close to winning. You however... definitely were.

You watched her as she took her leave. "I have a name, you know," you muttered. At least you knew you'd probably be seeing Hunter again. Although he was going to be interrogating you...

Now you knew about what point in the show's timeline this was. It was definitely before the end of season 1, otherwise Lilith wouldn't be here, and it couldn't be too long before the beginning of the show, considering Hunter was your age. But exactly what point you had no way of knowing.

Your mind wandered to your parents. You wondered if they missed you.
'I doubt if they even noticed I'm gone.'

You let out a sigh.

This was going to be a long... however long you'll be in here.

A/N:  I literally wrote this whole chapter in the car on the way back home from a funeral, which was like 2-3 hours, so I apologise if there's any errors or anything.

(April 15 2023)

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