*~Chapter 19~*

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Something definitely felt familiar about this ship. You didn't know what it was, it was kind of a déjà vu feeling.

You stared out into the distance, pondering over how the hell you managed to get yourself into this mess. While you did that, Luz was gaining the respect of everyone on the ship, including the captain. You honestly wondered why he hadn't told you to do anything, and whenever you tried he always asked someone else to do it. You knew you should be glad you didn't have to work, but it still infuriated you.

Suddenly the boat jerked, causing you to lose your footing and fall onto the deck. You tried to get back to your feet but, as you did, it jerked again, and you fell into the captain's quarters, banging your head on the floor. At that moment your vision went black.




It was warm, like you were right next to the Boiling Sea. You could feel the softness of sand beneath you. You opened your eyes, having to blink a few times to focus your vision. Your head was in searing pain as you tried to remember what was going on.

You looked around a little. You were on a beach, the water on the coast steaming. When did you get to the beach? It took a few minutes, but eventually you pieced together the fragments of memories you had and figured out what happened.

You looked around some more, and tensed when you saw someone you were hoping you wouldn't see for a while.


He was sat in the sand nearby, his mask placed next to him in the sand, and he was lifting the shade of a birdcage and lowering it. A little more observation told you that King was in the cage. Hunter had a small, amused expression on his face. Looking at him, you couldn't stop the blush from rising to your face. You hoped he wouldn't notice you were awake—

His eyes flicked to you.

You panicked, and rolled over to face the other direction, trying to hide your flushed face. There was no mistaking that you were awake now.

He sighed. "I know you're awake, y/n."

You sat up, but still didn't face him. You held your head with one hand, wrapping the other around your knees brought to your chest. Hunter came a little closer.


You turned your head away from him.

"I think we should talk about it."

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about."

"Y/n... you know what."

You hesitated. "I don't.. I don't want to talk about it."


You buried your face in your knees.

"At least let me help, that looks like it hurts."

"Yeah, no shit, Hunter. Of course it hurts.



He took a potion out of his cloak; you remembered this one. It was the same one he'd left for you after the truth potion. He handed it to you. You drank it, recognising the sweet taste and feeling the pain in your head quickly subside. You gave the empty bottle back to him. You both tensed as your hands brushed, even if he had gloves, the bottle falling to the floor. Luckily the sand cushioned the fall so it wasn't damaged.

"Uh- S-sorry... And... thanks."

"Y-yeah, no problem."

You were both silent after that, until there was rumbling from the cave in front of you. Quicker than you thought possible, Hunter grabbed his mask and replaced it on his face. The two of you stood up.

You both watched the shadows in the cave as Luz eventually managed to slay the Selkidomus. Something was off. Luz would never hurt an innocent creature.

Hunter, however, seemed convinced. You guessed that was because he didn't know her like you did.

Luz came into your view dragging the Selkidomus along with her. You saw her eyes light up a little as she saw you. She must have been worried. The thought made you frown slightly.

"Oh, that thing smells awful. Why are you touching it with your hands? Gross."

"You're gross!" Luz retorted. You wanted to defend him, but you stayed quiet. "Now give me King and y/n."

"Actually, the bird smells pretty bad too. Take him." Hunter threw the birdcage at Luz, who caught it and took off the shade.

"And y/n?"

He lowered his voice so only you could hear him, "I'll see you soon, okay?" Then he addressed Luz again, "I have no need for them; take them, too."

You hesitated, before walking over to Luz.

"Thank you for your service," Hunter continued. "You can find your own way home. And try to stay out of trouble. The Emperor is not a merciful man." He got on his staff and gave a wave. "Byeeeee!" He then teleported away.

You blushed hard at that farewell. How did he always manage to do this to you?

Luz turned to you. "You like that?" she said pointing a thumb towards where he disappeared.

You turned your head away from her, unwilling to give an answer.

Long story short, the 'Selkidomus' was actually just made entirely out of plant magic and the real Selkidomus and her baby were fine, and the mother rewarded Eda and Luz with a substance called Selkigris, which apparently sells for a high price at the Night Market. You all headed back to the owl house.

Lilith showed you, Luz and Eda hers crying potion as a gift to prove she was trustworthy; quite frankly, you didn't really want to see the Emperor's Coven again, but you acknowledged and appreciated her effort.

You laid down on your mattress, just about ready to sleep after this long day. That was when you finally realised where you knew everything that happened today, and you sat bolt upright. It was an episode! Season 2 episode 1, Separate Tides! How could you possibly have forgotten? It was Hunter's debut!

Realising you weren't going to be able to go to sleep anytime soon, you stood up and sat in front of your window, staring out into the distance. You wondered what kind of crazy events tomorrow would bring.

(July 14 2023)

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