*~Chapter 22~*

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((Please read the last A/N if you haven't already))

You walked into the classroom, double, triple checking that it was the correct room. As you entered, the teacher noticed you and told you to sit next to a girl in the front row. You did, and you begrudgingly looked towards the front of the classroom.

The teacher finished up their explanation, and told the class to complete the questions. That was when students began talk amongst themselves. Not having any friends, you decided you had nothing better to do other than the work. As you worked on the questions, you couldn't help but notice the green eyes of the girl next to you frequently drifting over to you.

You turned your head to you look at her, and you saw her eyes widen as she realised she'd gotten caught.

"Sorry," she said, "but... I couldn't help but notice... Are you human?"

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Wow..." she breathed; you could practically feel the awe radiating off her in waves. "I'm sorry, it's just- I heard of the human Luz, but I never knew there was another one, much less did I expect to meet them."

You weren't really sure how to react to that. You'd never expected anyone to be this excited to meet you.

"Oh- I'm Zoe, by the way," she introduced herself.

"I... I'm y/n."

"It's nice to meet you, y/n! Say, do you have anyone to hang out with at lunch? If you don't, then you could always hang out with us. It's just me, Fanny, and Zan, and I'm sure they would wanna meet you."

"Uhh.. sure. Why not?"

"Great!" Her green eyes were practically glowing. "Meet us in the cafeteria at lunch!"


For the rest of the class, you both focused on the work that had been set. It was clear that Zoe had worked out that you weren't the most social of people, so she didn't initiate any further conversation.

You almost jumped out of your skin when the bell... screamed. Class was over already? You walked out of the class with Zoe. You noticed that, while her sleeves were the orange of the Beast Keeping Track, her leggings were red, which you recalled was the Bard Track's colour.

When the two of you had exited the classroom she spoke to you. "Well, I guess I'll see you at lunch, y/n."

"Yeah, uh... see you then."

"Bye!" She gave you a small wave before turning and leaving to go to her next class. You then left in the opposite direction to go to your next class, which was Illusions. 'Please don't let me completely screw this up.'

You got to the door of the Illusions classroom, and as you stepped inside you saw two faces you recognised. The faces of two people you had never once spoken to, yet knew quite well.

You went to sit in a spare seat. It would be another few minutes for the class to properly start, and everyone else were talking amongst themselves. The two you'd noticed earlier walked over to stand in front of your desk. You looked up at them.

"Hey, there~ You must be the new human, right?" The girl said. "I'm Emira, and this is my stupid brother Edric."


She interrupted him by shoving her hand in his face. "So, what's your name, human?"

"Y/n." Your expression remained unchanged. "Did you two... need something?"

"Nah, you just looked lonely, cutie," she said.

You gave her a blank look. "Right. Well, I can assure you, I am fine." You looked down, hoping they'd go away. They didn't. Instead, they each sat on either side of you.

You looked between them, annoyed. You just wanted to get through the day with no one bothering you. But, of course, that couldn't happen. And you really didn't like how close they were sitting. Whatever happened to personal space?

You frowned to yourself. This was gonna be one long class...

A/N  FINALLY! I've had writer's block for months, and I finally managed to finish the chapter! So so sorry for keeping you guys waiting!

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