Chapter 2

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Then I think I hear pebbles being thrown against my window? So I got out of bed aggravated and then i see... Josh?

The last person I expected to see...

I open my window, then suddenly a pebble comes flying through the window.

"What was that for?!" I exclaimed, trying to not wake my parents.

"You know what Taylor Swift says, People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine."

"Okay, first of all you could of hit me! And second you could of broke my window! If there is one scratch on this window then you're buying me a new window!"


"Why are you here? There's school tomorrow." Why can't he just leave, I really wanted to sleep.

"Well. . . I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being mean to you during dinner." His mom probably sent him over to say that.

"Well you should be!" I then slammed my window and climbed into bed trying to ignore the rocks being thrown at it.

I was so angry. I couldn't take it anymore. I was about to yell at him but then I didn't want to wake the whole neighborhood. "What are you doing? Windows don't shine."

"I know but, I'm trying to hit you. Haha just kidding. I'm trying to hit your lamp, the only thing that really does shine."

"Your a jerk, why don't you just go home." I said pointing to his house right next door.

"Nahh, I don't feel like it."

"Then stay there, just stop throwing rocks at my window!"

"I can't promise that hun."

"Well you should."

"Come out here and I will. Don't be shy," he said winking at me. I don't really know if those are winks or he just has an eye problem.

I went downstairs in my pajamas and walked outside. "Why am I down here? I'm tired."

"Well you're not going to be getting much sleep tonight." He then looked at me with a devious grin. "Follow Me, but first put this blindfold on."

"I prefer not to, I don't know where thats been." Where is he taking me?

"Just put it on!"

"Then stop yelling, you're going to wake the neighborhood." I swear if I get put in the back of a van,this kid is dead, unless I'm dead ...

"Take my hand and follow me."

"No. You probably don't wash those." I just felt like bothering him, it was kinda fun.

Then suddenly he picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "If you drop me then we're going to have big problems , BIG."

"Really, please tell me more."

"You better not be looking at my butt."

"Sorry to break this to you but, there's not much to look at." Who does he think he is? Nobody can look at my butt!

"Then stop staring!" He then put me down. Thank god, I don't like being up that high. Even though he's probably only like 5 foot 7 inches. But compared to my hight (5 foot 1 inch) thats tall!

"We're hear you can take off the blindfold."

I suddenly see we're in his backyard, or what I'm assuming is his backyard. He has a big in ground pool and in the corner he had a little table set up with a candle, a rose, food and twinkling lights above the table. How sweet. It finally hit me and no not a rock, but how many girls did he do this for? It seemed like he could get any girl he wanted.

"Are you hungry? I was just thinking because you didn't exactly get to finish your dinner, from our little fallout," he said looking down at his shoes, shyly. He seemed like he was trying to be nice...

"Yea, I'm starving!"

He gave me a little smile, "Good I made a lot of food."

"This isn't a date type of thing so don't try to pull anything."

"A guy can't just do something nice for his neighbor? Come on lets just go and sit down." I nod and we both sit across from each other and make small talk. He was telling me what and what not do at school and said he would get me from each class to show me to the next one. I understand he's trying to be nice but I could be independent, I could find my way around the school. I didn't mention anything because I didn't want to be rude.

I was so tired that I started to zone out and wasn't paying attention. I didn't notice till I hit the water that he threw me in. How dare he! I'm not the best swimmer out there, so it took me a second to pull my head above the water. He must of thought I was drowning because he took his shirt off and jumped in. He took me out of the pool and placed me on one of the chairs.

"Allison. Allison are you okay?" He sounded worried.

My eyes were closed, I couldn't find much force to open them and it was hard to talk. As soon as I opened my eyes I see him about to give me mouth to mouth. I told him not to try and pull anything.

I blurted out not having control, "What are you doing? Are you trying to give me mouth to mouth?"

He seemed a little hesitant, "Well I didn't think you could breath, I was just trying to help!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak out at you and be mean. I'm so sorry, for everything. Thank you." I felt so bad, after everything he did for me, I was just so mean. "I guess I should go now."

"Let me walk you, it's 1 in the morning and dark."

"I live next door Josh, I think I can handle walking a few feet with out someone."

"Just let me walk you home, I want to."

"Okay, let's get going. I'm still tired." I could of collapsed right there but, I didn't because I was wet.

When we got to my house door. I turned around and said "Thank you for tonight and I'm sorry."

"It was my pleasure, thank you for joining me. I couldn't of ate all that food myself!" We both laughed "and one last thing don't be sorry."

"Okay." I put my hand out for him to shake it, as a friendly gesture, he just ignored it.

"I can't get a hug?" He said holding out his arms.

"This is just a one time thing." I hugged him just to be nice. It felt like we were hugging for eternity. For someone so wet he was warm. We finally let go.

"Goodnight, Allison." He smiled and waved.

"Wait, Josh!"


"I was wondering if that offer about a ride to school was still available?"

"Of course, I knew you would want one." Josh said with a wink. I swear he probably has an eye problem! I'll ask him about it another day.

"Thank you." I gave him a little smile and went inside.

I went to my room, changed into dry pajamas and went to bed.


Authors Note:

Thank you for everyone reading i got 30 reads! Thats incredible! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you don't mind can you guy fan, vote, and comment what you think, and ideas for what you want to happen between them.

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