Chapter 5

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* * Allison's Point Of View* *

I had a nice time bowling with Josh the other day, we had a lot of fun. For some strange reason that night I couldn't stop thinking about him. What ever it's probably nothing..

Anyway... School is horrendous! Everyone just surrounds Josh, even when I'm right next to him! What the hell?!

*At School*

I got changed in to my gym clothes in the locker, I started walking to the gym. When I got in all I saw was Josh surrounded by a whole bunch of people! (mostly girls). Ugh, he's the only one I know in this class and I'm definitely not going to talk to anyone new.

I went to go sit on the bleachers, by myself. I just sat there bored out of my mind!

Then soon I noticed someone sat down next to me. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see a really good looking guy. He had dirty blonde hair, lightly tanned skin and deep blue eyes. He seemed quite tall.

"Hey, you must be new here. I haven't seen you around." He said suddenly.

"Yea, I am." I said shyly, hoping he would just walk away. It became quiet and awkward fast. Why doesn't he just walk away? He could probably get any of these girls in here, well the ones that aren't surrounded around Josh...

"My name's Cameron Chase." He said confronting me.

"My name's Allison Trenton. It was nice meeting you." I should of told him a fake name! To late for that. I started to walk away because we about to go play badminton.

"Allison wait!" He hollered after me. "Do you wanna be team mates?"

I was really hoping to be by myself.


"Cool." He said while a smile appeared on his face.

The first people we played against was Josh and some peppy blonde. Cameron and I ended up beating them with a score of 15-2.

When we were playing Josh didn't seem like he was paying much attention. I even hit him in the face with the birdie. Oops! I meant to do that.

The next team Cameron and I played there was a little incident during the game. . . Lets just say that I tripped over Cameron's feet and then he fell on top of me. It was extremely weird! Everyone just started to look at us because when I fell the net also came crashing down and made a huge noise.

When the class was almost over, I was about to go walk down to the locker room when...

"Allison, Wait!" I heard someone yelling from behind me. I turned around slowly and saw those deep blue memorizing eyes. That belonged to Cameron Chase. He was standing extremely close, then he took a step backward.

"You hollered?" I joked.

"Yea.. Ummm... Do you want to go see a movie after school or something?.. You don't have to. I was just wondering....." his voice start to become low and he was babbling on. He seemed so nervous! It was kinda cute.

"I would love to!" I said enthusiastically.

"Cool. Do you want me to get you after school and I can drive us to the theater?"

"Sounds good. Meet me after school at my locker."

"I would but what is your locker number?"

"O yea locker number 73."

"See you then." We both just walked away. I was glad I met someone else besides Tiffany and Josh.

The rest of the day was boring.

After 9th period, I went to my locker. When I got there I saw Josh and Cameron there.

"Hey there guys!" I said with a big smile spread across my face.

"What is he doing here?" Josh asked angry. I'm guessing Josh doesn't like Cameron very much. O well, my friends not his.

"I'm going to see a movie with him. You don't have to drive me home today." I was still smiling while they were both angry.

Josh pulled me off to the side so, we could talk more privately.

"Why are you talking to him?" Josh seem REALLY mad.

"Well... While you were being surrounded by all those people during gym, he started talking to me. He's really nice."

"I don't want you talking to him. He's trouble." Josh sounded really stern. I glanced at Cameron, he was just leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Who are you to tell me who I can and can not hang out with?" I started to get aggravated with him. Who is he my mother?! I don't think so.

"Considering I've known him longer and what he's done, I advise you listen to me."

"I rather not." I walked back to my locker, got my stuff, and walked away with Cameron to his car.

* * Josh's Point Of View * *

Why is she hanging out with him?! He's just going to hurt her. I walked to my car with Tiffany. When we got in the car, I decided to tell her about Allison and Cameron.



"Allison is starting to hang out with Cameron Chase and I tried to tell her that he's trouble but, she didn't listen."

I heard Tiffany sigh lightly. " Josh, you're not going to like what I'm about to say. But you have to hear it. You cant control who she hangs out with. It's her choice, if she doesn't want to listen, that's her problem."

"I just don't want her getting hurt." I started to hesitate. Not knowing if I want to admit it... I decided I should. " I... I care for her... Like a lot... I think I might umm... Like her more than a friend."

"I know, Josh. I know."

****Author's Note

Thank you guys so much for 250 reads! I hope you all like this chapter! Don't forget to Fan, Comment, & Vote.

Aloha! (Hello and Goodbye in Hawaiian)

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