Chapter 16 :O

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* * Allison's P.O.V. * *

"Let's go find our seats." Josh told me. I nodded and followed behind. People kept whispering Josh things or telling him "Good Luck" and smiling at me. Obviously their being nice but still. What is going on?!

We walked into the place with all the seats and the guy at the door (I don't know what its called) escorted us to our seats.

"What if you lose? Which I highly doubt because Epic was extraordinary." I asked Josh as we sat next to some other celebrity that I didn't know.

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose as long as I'm with you. It's really just an honor to be nominated."

More people started to pile in and fill up the seats. The place was buzzing until the host came on stage and then everyone fell quiet.


"The next award is for Best Voice in A Animated Movie." I grabbed Josh's hand and squeezed it lightly and smiled at him. "And this award goes to..." He opened the envelope slowly. Having everyone feel anticipation of who it will be. "Josh Hutcherson." I hugged Josh tightly and then he walked on stage.

Josh shook the presenters hand and then the presenter whispered something in Josh's ear that made him laugh. "Wow I actually won this. I don't really have a speech prepared" He beamed and the crowd laughed. "I really wouldn't be here if it was for the rest of the cast, director, screen writers. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in making this movie. I would also like to thank my mom because she will probably kill me if I didn't" He chuckled. Josh paused for a moment.

"You got this!" Someone from the crowd yelled. There was a few other people giving him lines of encouragement until he finally spoke.

Sam Claflin and Liam Hemsworth sat in the seats beside me. "Hi," they both greeted.

"Uh hey," I said nervously. I turned my attention back to the stage.

"There is this person I would like to thank, this person has made a big impact on my life. She treats me like I'm just a normal kid she didn't even know I was an actor till like a week ago, maybe that's why. She's the reason why I wake up most mornings. But my mom also make me wake up in the morning." He laughed. Who is he talking about? Maybe its Tiffany! "I wake her up practically every morning. She always asks me how I keep getting into her house by th way her mom let's me in. She probably think I'm a creepy stalker for it too. I once ate her Coco Puffs and she almost knocked me out." If this is who I think it is, I'm going to die. "When we first met she spilled her Caramel Frappacino on me because we bumped into each other. She offered to buy me a new shirt which I'm still waiting for actually." He said jokingly. Oh my god. no. no. no. no. "She then called me a popular jerk and I called her a nerd at dinner because her parents invited us over because we're neighbors. She also once almost drowned in my pool early in the morning. One day I had to fix her broken heart and that's when we first kissed and I knew the feeling was real." Sam and Liam both nudged my shoulder lightly. I gave them confused looks like I didn't know what they were nudging me about. But I knew exactly what it was. "Allison Michaels please come up." I sat there startled, I shook my head no at him in embarrassment. I can't go up there!

"Come on," Liam said as him and Sam pulled me up out of my seat. "He told us you usually run when stuff like this happens so Josh told us to bring you up," Sam added. They linked their arms with mine and we walked up the stage. I could feel my cheeks burn up and Josh started laughing at my reaction. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Allison I probably already asked you this about a million times and you always reject me but I told you I won't give up." He stepped closer to me. "Allison," he began. "I'll do what ever it takes for you to say yes." At that moment I walked a little closer and I knew everything he was saying was true. He wasn't lying. "Allison Marie Michaels would you like to my girlfriend?" I was about to answer but Josh cut me off. "Wait! Before you answer or rip my head off, this is all being filmed live on tv so everything you say or do will be held against you. Now you may continue."

I nodded yes at Josh and a huge smile erupted on his face. I hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist, buzzling my face into his chest. He took his finger and placed them under my chin, slowing moving my head to meet his eyes. My face was so close to his. As he leaned in slightly his lips met mine in a matter of seconds and kissed passionately on the lips like no one was watching, even though there were probably people watching at home and this huge celebrity crowd.

The crowd was clapping and when we pulled apart and he let me down the crowd was standing like a standing ovation and clapping. I blushed but smiling widely. All the emotions I was holding back for Josh, I finally let free...


Author's Note:

What did I just do? Well looks like their together!

What's Allison and Josh's ship name?

Allosh? Jallison? Jallosh? Aosh?

Comment what you think there ship name should be (doesn't have to be one above that's just all I could think of)


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