Chapter 10

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* * Josh's P.O.V. * *

I was kind of frightened when Allison said she wanted to go see Epic. What if she figures out that I'm and actor. I made sure we missed the end credit but it didn't matter. Allison told me on the way out of the theater, "Your voice and the main characters voice sound so much alike, its so weird."

and at that moment I knew I should tell her...

"Allison, I have a confession to make..." I paused not knowing how I should say it. "I'm an actor."



We were silent for a few moments while walking around the mall.

"Ella, don't be mad at me for not telling you," I pleaded.

"Why would I be mad? I think its cool that your an actor!"

"Please don't 'use' me like those other girls."

"I wouldn't use you. Your just a normal teenager, that happens to be in a few movies. It's not that big of a deal. Your just you."

Allison is the girl for me. I've known it since she bumped into me and spilled her drink all over me. Okay maybe it was a little after that because I was kind of annoyed by that. But anyway she is the one I want, she is the one I need.

"I don't think anyone has ever said that to me. Thank you."

* * Allison's P.O.V. * *

"Allison, I have a confession to make..." I paused for a moment. "I'm an actor."

I should have know. No wonder why he looked so familiar. This is what I get for not reading the credits at the end of movies.

"Really?" I asked questionably.


We were silent for a few moments while walking around the mall.

"Allison, don't be mad at me for not telling you," He pleaded.

"Why would I be mad? I think its cool that you're an actor!"

"Please don't 'use' me like those other girls."

Why would I use him he's just a normal teenager. Who's sweet, kind, charming, handsome, amaz-- Allison STOP! Where did those thoughts even come from?

"I wouldn't use you. Your just a normal teenager, that happens to be in a few movies. It's not that big of a deal. Your just you."

"I don't think anyone has ever said that to me. Thank you."

We were driving in his car on the way home, when Josh suddenly asks, "Allison, do you want to go to an award ceremony with me? Like a date?" How do I respond, I hate being in this position. We know each other well but... I don't know what my feelings are toward him. I- I just don't know...

"Josh..." I started.

"You don't have to its okay." He said lightly. His hands tightening around the steering wheel, knuckles becoming white.

"Josh..." I began again. "I will go with you." I could see Josh's face brighten with happiness. "Even though I am not a big fan of cameras and there is one condition."

"What is that one condition?" Josh asked, with a frightened look on his face.

"You have to help me pick out a dress and I take a long time to big one out."

"Oh come on it can't take that long."

"It does trust me. Especially if there is a lot of cameras, then it will take longer."

We soon pulled up to my house and went inside. When we walked in we saw both of our parents sitting around the dining room table. They all turned there heads at the same time looking at us. "What did we do?" I whispered to Josh.


Thank you all so much for 1,000 reads! It means the world to me! I never thought i would get that many reads. You are all so amazing and don't forget.

If you like this Fan fiction then you might like my other Fan Fiction too, called Reunited. If you could read it I would really appreciate it, Thank you for everything!

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