Chapter 21

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I walk down the halls with Josh by my side, his hand around my waist. He picked me up from my 8th period class... Orange fake girls glaring in utter most jealousy, guys staring at their girlfriends in plead that instead of looking our way they'll pay attention to them. Why does it matter, our relationship? It's just like any other high school relationship...

Because Josh is a celebrity, the voice in my head said. This relationships will never be an average relationship. but it can be better than one...


"Hey Tiffany!" I said joyfully seeing Tiffany come up to us.

"Don't you to know how to be the talk of the school," she laughed.

"Unfortunately we do," I joked. I wish everyone in school wouldn't talk about it... I rather keep a low profile rather then be popular and be all that the school is talking about.

People never really notice you until something like this happens. I'm going out with a celebrity obviously its going to bring attention and remarks toward me but there's nothing I can do about it. That's just the way things are going to be for a while.

But I'm happy with Josh and isn't that all that matters?

"You'll get used to it," Josh laughed kissing me on the cheek. "You guys wanna come over? We can watch a movie or something," he offered.

"I can't, I have a boat loads of homework," Tiffany said.

"It's cool," Josh said. "You need a ride home?" he asked Tiffany.

"Actually," she blushed. "Ashton's driving me home," Tiffany giggled, smiling uncontrollably.

"Oh, boyfriend?" I smiled.



"Maybe..." One thing I realized about Tiffany is that she isn't the best with hiding her feelings; especially when it comes to talking about guys.

"Look he's coming this way," I said.

"Does my hair look alright?" she worried.

"It looks fine, Tiff. It always does," I assured her.

"Hey man," Josh said to Ashton doing that guy handshake thing that they all practically know.

"Hey," he said in return. "Hey Tiff ready to go?" Ashton smiled widely at her.


"Nice seeing you guys again," Ashton said dismissively and Tiffany waved bye to us. Ashton put his hand on the small of her back leading her to his car.

"Awww," I cooed once they were out of hearing length. "They'd be so cute!"

"Yeah..." Josh said trailing off at the end.

"Why so hesitant?"

"I don't know. Just thinking."


"So back to my house to watch some movies and some," he jokingly winked.

"Movies sounds good." I got into the passenger seat of his car, putting on my seat belt and Josh drove off.


"Josh stop," I whined/giggled.

"Can you guys be quiet. If you forgotten there's a movie on right now and I'm trying to watch it," Connor groaned.

Josh ignored his remark and continued to tickle me and shower me in kisses.

"Josh pleaseee stop."

"Never," he whispered into my ear. His voice lower then usual.

My laughing was uncontrollable and I was breathing heavier from all the laughing.

I heard someone stomp out of the room clearly annoyed by Josh and I; obviously Connor.

"He's just mad that he doesn't have a beautiful amazing girlfriend," Josh whispered again into my ear. He stopped and pulled me into his chest and we lied on the couch together, ignoring the movie. He stared down at me as I stared up at him. Staring into his eyes, that were truly one of a kind, a mix of brown and hazel. Down to his lips that were tugged into a little smirk. Then his jaw, the perfect box shapes it made. His hair always perfect yet messy and cute.

Unexpectedly, Josh pulled me in for a long lustful kiss... His lips against mine moving perfectly in sync. This kiss just felt so . . . right. The fireworks and butterflies going off in my stomach were unbelievable...

"Josh," I said breaking off the kiss.

"Mhm," he hummed.

"I just want to tell you something..."

"Go ahead."

"I . . . ."



What do you think Allison is going to say?


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