Chapter 19

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As soon as the 9th period bell rang - signaling the day was over - I collected what I needed from my locker and ran out to Josh's car before anyone could irritate me more. My phone starting blaring in my pocket, I slowly got it out of my pocket, how much can I bet you it’s Josh?

Guess who it was?


He’s probably wondering where I am.

“Hello?’ I answered the phone.

“I thought I was meeting you at your locker…”

“I’m out in your car.”

“Why, what’s wrong babe?” He asked quite concerned.

“Nothing, of course. Why would something be wrong?” I lied. Of course something’s wrong, nothing ever goes right. If I learned anything from Science it was “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong” (stated in Murphy’s Law). w o w, there goes my nerdy side…

“I’m on my way out now, bye.”

“Bye,” I said hanging up the phone. I just sat there in silence waiting for Josh to come and just drive me home so I can sleep. I probably could of walked, it isn’t that far but I think we all Josh would probably get pissed. So I’ll just sit here and wait. I closed my eye and leaned my head on the window. How long does he take? I thought. A minute or so there was a tapping on the window, I lifted my head up and turned to see no one there. God, I’m probably going crazy. The tapping was heard again and I looked over to the driver’s side window and saw Josh smiling.  He almost gave me a heart attack. He opened up his car door and started laughing hysterically.

“It’s not funny!”

“You’re so easy to scare.”

“No I’m not!” I said defensively nudging his arm lightly.

‘Whatever you say,’ He kissed me on the cheek and started his car.

He parked in front of my house. “I’m going to play basketball with Avon and them, Do you want to come?”

Does he really expect me to say yes to his invite, I can’t crash his guy time  with his friends that’s like a clingy girlfriend. Which I don’t plan becoming.

“I’ll stay home… I got stuff to do.”

“Like what?” he hummed.

“Why do you want to know?’

“Because I do… Just come on it’ll be fun.”

“Josh, I don’t want to,” I huffed.

I opened up the car door about to get out when Josh grabbed my hand. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he demanded.

“I’m fine. Now go out with your friends.” He probably thinks I’m mad about that but I’m not it’s just the whole school thing people are so annoying, I just need time alone.  The transition to no one knowing your name to practically the whole school knowing is uncomfortable; it makes you feel aggravated and makes you want to rip your hair out.

“I’ll be back later to talk about it.”

“Whatever.” I groaned slamming the door behind me and running inside. I went up to my room closed the door and sprawled out on my bed.

I feel bad for taking this all out on Josh but I don’t know…

I’m happy to be with Josh don’t get me wrong (even though we’ve only been together for a few days) it’s just so much to handle.

He’s just perfect and I’m nothing close to it.

Author's Note:

OMG sorry I haven't updated. This chapter is so bad.. I was going to make the last chapter (chpater 18) the last chapter but then I thought I should just contine.

PLease give me rfeedback on this chapter by commenting what you think and tell em some of your idea s and i might include them!

Don't forget to vote too!

Thank you everyone so much for reading, I'm so close to 10,000 reads, which is CRAZY!!

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