Chapter 17

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*After The Award Show*

A few people came up to Josh and I and said "congratulations" and things along those lines. It's not like we're getting married or anything, my goodness!

"Best looking couple of the year," Jennifer nudged. I blushed extremely and Josh laughed.

"So, dinner? All of us?" Josh asked.

Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Claflin, Laura (Sam's wife) and Liam Hemsworth all agreed. HOLY CRAP, IM HYPERVENTILATING THIS IS HAPPENING.

Josh slipped his hand into mine. I looked down and smiled. I can't believe I'm dating Josh, my neighbor, my friend, the celebrity, Oh how I hope nothing changes all too much.

"Someone get a picture of this and post it on one of those social website." I heard Jennifer try to whisper but completely failed.

A second later Josh's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket with the hand that wasn't holding mine. He smiled at the screen.

"Whatcha smiling about?" I asked. He tilted his phone to me so I could see it. Liam and Sam both tweeted a picture of Josh and I holding hands. Saying sweet things about us.

I looked back at them and smiled. Josh kissed the top of my head and let go of my hand. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer.

"Your really cute," he said lowly into my ear, which only cause me to blush more.

"I know," I said sarcastically.


"This looks really fancy." I said practically amazed by how expensive this place must be. The name was even script. Let's admit that's pretty fancy... (maybe not)

"Extremely," Jennifer agreed.


"I have reservations."

"Ah, yes Mr. Hutcherson. Right this way." The waiter led us to a table all the way in the back of the restaurant where it was vacant.

"Ma' lady." Josh pulled out a chair for me to sit.

"Thank you." He made my heart fill up with joy.

I looked through the menu looking for something in English. But these menus were in either Italian or French, lets just say it was in a language that I could not read.

"Do they have a kid's menu in English here?" I joked.

"I need one of those too," Jennifer sighed. She called over a waiter. "Do you have any kids menus or any kind of menu maybe in English?"

"Ah, yes madam. How many?"


The waiter walked away to go get them.

"Thank god they have them." I praised.

Josh was sitting next to me and quickly pecked my cheek while no one was paying attention. But my cheeks still burned Red, this boy will be the death of me.

"Getting embarrassed now are we?" he laughed.


The waiter came over to take our orders. "I'll take Chicken Fingers and French Fries."

Josh burst into a fit of laughter. "What's so funny?!"

"Nothing, your just really adorable." My stomach flipped and my heart began to beat faster. I just couldn't help but smile. "We come to this fancy restaurant and you order chicken nuggets." he joked.

"Don't judge me!" I exclaimed.


Josh leaned in slowly, my eye lids fluttered closed and Josh kissed me right on the lips in front of them.

"Remember when we were young like that?" Sam asked Laura.

"Those were the days..." she grinned widely.


Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter isn't that good!
I had REALLY bad writers block and i didn't know what to do soo.. this happened.

Comment what you think! (:

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